When A Relationship Violates Your Dignity

A relationship should value the dignity of both people and never hurt them

When a relationship violates your dignity

If a relationship, be it romantic or platonic, between friends or colleagues, violates the dignity of either person, the relationship should be fundamentally reconsidered.

Mutual appreciation is the key to any successful relationship.

An appreciative relationship

A relationship in which the inner values ​​of the people who are related to one another are valued is one that does not violate the dignity of the other.

This is the optimum one should strive for in order to give value and durability to the relationship.

In a relationship, it should always be equally important for both parties .

Just because a partner is weaker can never be a reason to treat him or her in the relationship with disrespect and dignity. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.


Dignity comes from appreciation

If you look at where the word “dignity” comes from, you will come across a Middle and Old High German word relationship to the word “value”. Indeed, dignity has a lot to do with people being valued.

This does not mean the importance of a person, but the respect one shows the person.

Of course, such values ​​are not universally valid and differ from culture to culture and are interpreted differently everywhere.

But as long as we move in our Central European cultural area, the concept of dignity is generally recognized and has the same meaning.

Even in our Basic Law, human dignity is anchored in law and guaranteed to everyone. But this is not the case in all cultures or countries.

As we all know, she is often trampled on and unfortunately this is too often the case with us behind closed doors.


Would be equal to quality

Dignity equals quality in a relationship.

It is true that this is only a not really measurable value, because it is moral and characterized by personal perception. However, this is very informative.

A few other terms from the area of ​​good morals and manners are connected. These serve to shape the interaction with one another and, in particular, to harmonize them.

This also includes reason, respect, morality, morality and the so-called “inner values”.

The richer a relationship is in these moral, inner values, the more valuable it is. And the higher their quality and thus also their stability.

When a relationship lacks dignity, its balance suffers. And one side or the other begins to feel uncomfortable.

So if you want to have a long-term stable relationship, look for one in which it is particularly important!

Painting woman


If you are treated unworthily, it is very likely that your self-esteem will suffer after a short time. And you start to feel inferior and inferior.

You as a person have not changed, only your way of thinking. Another affected her.

A vicious circle, because the lower your self-esteem, the easier it is to be disrespectful and disrespectful.

The more you experience such treatment, the deeper your self-confidence sinks and the more vulnerable you become to such undignified treatment. Until you finally believe the other person is right!

Make a habit of periodically from time to time taking a long-distance, critical look at any relationships in your life.  Are you treated with dignity and respect everywhere?

Who likes to kick your dignity or hurt your feelings?

Also illuminate relationships in your social environment. What about your best friend’s relationship with her boyfriend, colleague or husband?

Wherever you come to believe that she or she is being disregarded by others, pause and bring up the topic.

Make your girlfriend aware of it or if it concerns yourself:  Ask yourself in a really neutral way whether you are worth it to yourself to continue a relationship of any kind in which dignity is only of little (if at all!) Importance.

Protect yourself from the consequences of such behavior by remaining sensitive and sharpening your antennae for it!

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