What To Do If You Have The Flu?

Influenza is spread by influenza viruses, which come in different forms. Most of these viruses are transmitted through droplet infection or indirectly through contaminated objects.

What to do if you have the flu

Influenza is a common ailment, especially in the cold season. You feel weak, have a fever and the airways are usually blocked. But what to do  with the flu?

Influenza is spread by influenza viruses, which come in a variety of forms. These viruses are usually transmitted through droplet infection (saliva, sneezing or coughing) or indirectly through contaminated objects.

Symptoms can appear suddenly, and the effects vary. This depends a lot on the immune system of the affected person. Usually the worst is over in a week.

During this time you should stay at home and care for or have yourself cared for. This way you can prevent further infections and you will be back on your feet faster. 


As mentioned earlier, flu is easily and quickly transmitted through a droplet infection. Permanent protection is not possible because the influenza virus is very versatile.

People who are exposed to an increased risk must therefore be vaccinated annually. This includes elderly or chronically ill people.

Special care is recommended in the following cases to avoid more serious consequences if you have the flu  :

  • For chronic respiratory diseases,
  • Diseases that weaken the immune system,
  • in pregnancy and
  • in children or the elderly.

Flu symptoms

What to do if you have the flu

The symptoms appear shortly after infection, usually between the 1st and 7th day of contact with the virus. A high fever (between 38.5 and 41ÂșC) is the most common symptom of the flu.

The following complaints are also very common:

  • muscle pain
  • Chills and sweats
  • a headache
  • constant dry cough
  • Tiredness and exhaustion
  • stuffy and runny nose
  • Sore throat

What to do if you have the flu

Usually, flu does not necessarily have to be treated with medication. Even so, many prefer drugs that reduce pain and fever. Get advice from your doctor!

We recommend that you take the following measures:

Avoid contagion

Avoid getting infected with the flu

Make sure that nobody else in your family gets infected by taking certain precautions. Influenza viruses are transmitted in no time at all!

  • The sick person should be isolated as much as possible and wear a mask.
  • Always hold up your hand when sneezing (even small children learn that!) And then wash your hands thoroughly.
  • In general, wash your hands several times a day, especially when touching  items that other family members will also need.

Don’t use antibiotics

Antibiotics don’t make sense in the flu, on the contrary.  Abuse could lead to resistance, which can be dangerous for health.

  • Antipyretic and pain reliever medication can relieve symptoms.
  • Should there actually be complications, the doctor will decide whether antibiotics are necessary or not.

Drink a lot!

Lots of fluids with flu

Much fluid is lost through fever and sweating, which must be replaced. Therefore, drink enough water or isotonic or mineral-based beverages. 

  • Soups, fruit juices, or herbal teas are good choices.
  • You can either make a saline solution yourself or buy it from a pharmacy.

Making remedies at home

Natural remedies for flu

Home remedies can also relieve general discomfort and clear the airways. The following  alternatives can bring relief: 

  • Echinacea, elderflower, ginger tea
  • Honey and lemon
  • Onion and honey
  • Eucalyptus (e.g. facial steam bath)
  • Massage of the chest area with essential oils

    Do you have the flu and feel miserable? Give yourself time to relax and, if possible, take care of yourself. Additionally, today’s tips can be helpful in speeding up recovery time.

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