Tips Against Nail Fungus

Comfortable, breathable footwear is very important. In addition, you should not share the shoes with others or go barefoot in public places. Fungal diseases can be transmitted in the process.

Tips against nail fungus

Nail fungus is very common. However, it is often overlooked. As a result, the fungus can continue to spread.

The growth process of a fungal disease is very slow.  Thus, it is very difficult for you to spot nail fungus early on.

Usually one only becomes aware of the disease when all of the nails are affected.

Treatment must then be started at the latest.

The scientific name of this condition is onychomycosis. Healing is not easy as it takes a  long time.

Also, it requires great constancy. You can treat the fungus naturally  . But, also  with allopathic medicines.  


One of the most common causes of nail fungus is sweat.  Therefore, these occur more frequently in the summer months.

In the warm season, your foot is exposed to moisture for a long time. In the swimming pool or in someone else’s showers, the risk of a fungal infection increases.

Mushrooms multiply particularly well when it is damp. Therefore, your feet should always be dried. 


The color and  thickness of your nail can change. Sometimes there is also a strong odor.

However, the fungus doesn’t just multiply on your nails. But also between your toes. You should have this dealt with promptly. In this way, you avoid further complications.

An infected nail grows very slowly. This is also a symptom. We recommend observing changes in your nails.

So, notice a yeast infection early on. And thus, you prevent the disease from spreading.

As soon as you discover the fungus, a specialist should be consulted. This can then remove affected areas of your nail.

This allows your nail to grow healthily. If your nail is already infected, you  should have it removed.  Otherwise the illness can be very troublesome for you.

How do you protect yourself from nail fungus?

Home remedies for athlete's foot on nail fungus
  • It is important that you wear shoes that are permeable to air. Mushrooms prefer it dark, moist and warm. So don’t forget to ventilate your feet regularly.
  • We do not recommend walking barefoot in public places. In swimming pools or communal showers, in particular, there is an increased risk of contracting an infection.
  • You should dry your feet after every shower. Or when your feet are damp.
  • Sometimes let the sun shine directly on your feet. Thus, you cure the infection.
  • Do not share your shoes with anyone. Otherwise, the fungus can be transmitted.

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