The Pomegranate – 8 Incredible Benefits Of This Heavenly Fruit

Pomegranates are simply delicious fruits, but they are also incredibly good for our health. They contain fiber, vitamins, iron and antioxidants, but hardly any calories! Pomegranates should really not be missing in any diet

The pomegranate - 8 incredible benefits of this heavenly fruit

The pomegranate is just a delicious fruit. And with all the taste it contains, it only contains small amounts of calories, but a lot of water.

So this is a “light” food that, because of this property and its numerous health benefits, can be recommended for almost any diet. Incidentally, this also applies to weight loss diets.

The most important nutrients that the pomegranate contains include various vitamins, minerals, and effective antioxidants such as beta-carotenes.

It should also be emphasized that pomegranates are high in fiber. The amount of fiber ultimately consumed depends on the way in which the pomegranate is eaten.

Here we are referring to the fact that the fresh fruit provides more fiber than pomegranate juice.

Anyone who has not been convinced by the taste to give pomegranate a permanent place in their menu now has the opportunity to find out about the health benefits of this paradise fruit. We present the most important effects.

1. The antioxidants in pomegranate


The seeds of the pomegranate are rich in antioxidants. These are substances that are able to trap free radicals and thus prevent them from damaging the genetic material of the cells.

Regular consumption of pomegranates thus helps to avoid premature aging and to prevent a large number of chronic diseases.

Some even claim that pomegranates are healthier than green tea and red wine. Well, maybe all three remedies can be accommodated in the menu.

2. Control of blood pressure

Pomegranates are true friends of the cardiovascular system. The antioxidants that these fruits provide help the organism to regulate blood pressure because they clean the vessels and thus allow unhindered blood flow.

All other organ systems then also benefit from this.

In addition, is the formation of thrombi and varicose veins and other cardiovascular problems prevented.

3. Cleansing the arteries


We have already briefly discussed this effect in the previous point. But how does the cleaning of the arteries work? The antioxidants found in pomegranates prevent lipids such as cholesterol from building up on the walls of the arteries.

This makes pomegranates ideal as a diet supplement, particularly for those who struggle with high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. In this way, serious diseases such as atherosclerosis can be prevented in the long term .

4. Combating respiratory diseases

The vitamin C contained in the pomegranates strengthens our defenses, which then helps to reduce inflammation. The respiratory tract benefits particularly from this.

In this context, pomegranates are recommended as supportive therapy for bronchitis, flu and asthma. Even with an uncomplicated cold, they are certainly not wrong.

5. Cleansing the kidneys

The seeds of the pomegranate are ideal for cleaning the kidneys and for balancing the body’s water and electrolyte balance. They contain a significant amount of potassium, which the kidneys use to bring the electrolytes back into balance.

Its antioxidants also support the cleansing effect of the pomegranate and stimulate the excretion of excess salts and toxins in the urine.

6. For better skin health

Skin health

Both consuming the fruit and using it in the form of a face mask help improve skin health.

Pomegranates provide important iron with which the oxygen supply to the cells can be improved and tissue renewal can be stimulated.

In addition, the connective tissue benefits from the nutrients that the red fruits provide, and so the skin remains elastic and firm for longer.

The beta carotenes must not be forgotten at this point. These are antioxidants that are able to prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. This prevents signs of aging such as wrinkles and age spots.

7. Anti-cancer effect

As we just mentioned, pomegranates are high in antioxidants. In this context it is really not surprising that the fruits have an effect in cancer prophylaxis and can support an appropriate therapy.

To be precise, the effect of the pomegranate on breast cancer development has been studied. A growth-inhibiting effect could be proven, which is probably due to the content of ellagic acid.

This acid is believed to be able to inhibit an aromatase, an enzyme that affects the hormone metabolism under which cancer cells grow. Without aromatase, androgens are not converted into estrogens and the growth of breast cancer cells is inhibited.

A possible effect in prostate cancer has also been suggested.

8. Effect against anemia


Because the pomegranate is so rich in iron, regular consumption of these fruits supports the formation of the red blood pigment, the red blood cells and thus the transport of oxygen into the tissues.

It is precisely these processes that only take place to a limited extent in people who suffer from anemia. Often there is a lack of iron.

We recommend consuming at least one pomegranate a day to effectively treat symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.

All of the above are reasons to think of pomegranates when shopping. It is healthiest to eat the fruit. But the pomegranate is also good for our organism in the form of juice, tea, extracts and other preparations.

Enjoy it!

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