The Others Are Your Mirror – What Are They Trying To Show You?

Have you ever thought about the possibility that this behavior, which bothers you so much about the people around you, is caused precisely because it is one of your weak points?

The others are your mirror - what are they trying to show you?

Did you know that others are  your mirror and reflect you? You may not have noticed yet, but you are always referring to yourself through others.

Here’s an example. Aren’t there things your friends bump into that leave you untouched? This happens because they see their own characteristics in others and therefore react to them.

The problem is that we think that what makes us react is not to be found in ourselves, but is the fault of the other. First mistake.

If it weren’t for our own quality, we would be completely overlooked that the other is a liar or illegitimate, or has some other quality that we consider despicable.

If the others are your mirror, use it

your mirror

We can consider it terrible that others are our mirrors. However, it is an excellent opportunity to see what we need to heal ourselves.

For example, if you get angry about someone who criticizes others a lot, if you can’t stand it at all, then watch out! You may be very hard on yourself, demand too much of yourself and have to let go.

If you are infidelity or have had multiple relationships in which your partners cheated on you, check to see that you are not being unfaithful to yourself in any way.

At what point do you not respect your values?

As you can see, the mirror does not indicate that you are criticizing others or that you are unfaithful to your partner, but rather it shows the relationship you have with yourself.

So you should do an analysis that only your experience can help you with.

Thanks to the others, you can see what still needs to be improved.

If you have a partner who is very attached to their mother and that bothers you, consider how your relationship with your mother is? How is that your mirror? Do you wish inside yourself that the relationship with your mother was a little more intimate?

Don’t hold others accountable for how you feel

your mirror

We usually leave our happiness to others, and so do other things. For example, we blame others for getting angry.

However, no one can provoke a reaction in you that you do not want to feel yourself, unless it is used to open an existing wound.

For example, if your boss remarks that you should improve your work and you feel a strong rejection, you may be very insecure at heart.

The message of any mirror is that you should start focusing on yourself and taking responsibility for yourself.

It is very convenient for us to hold others accountable for what happens to us. But this unfaithful person, who bothers us so much and who may not even touch us directly, is telling us something.

Therefore , in one way or another, we always relate to ourselves ; everything good and bad that we see in the other belongs to us. Otherwise we wouldn’t see it.

Your relationships are your mirror – they tell you what to change

your mirror

Sometimes we suffer a lot because our friends never call us, and it is always us who have to be there; sometimes we complain because we always stumble upon the same kind of partner – people who make us suffer.

If you feel pain when something is wrong in your relationships, use it to listen inside to see what you are doing wrong yourself.

Because we are always focused on others, we are trained to read them. One should not believe that what they are doing has nothing to do with us and should not think that they are selfish or evil people.

Let’s look at what our way of dealing with others wants to say to ourselves. Maybe we give too much and don’t leave room to others to show that they can do something for the relationship.

If we keep encountering the same pattern of people, we may not respect or love one another. We can even suffer from some kind of addiction.

It is time to take the blindfold off your eyes.

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