The Correct Distribution Of Carbohydrates

In a balanced diet, the correct distribution of the basic nutrients protein, fat and carbohydrates is essential. In today’s article, we will focus on carbohydrates, which are essential sources of energy for the body. 

Proper distribution of carbohydrates

The nutrient distribution (also the nutritional value relation) is fundamental to supply the organism with all the necessary nutrients and to stay healthy. You can also use it to maintain a healthy weight. Today’s post is about the  correct distribution of carbohydrates  throughout the day.

Juan Antonio Madrid, professor at the University of Murcia (Spain) assures that not only the amount and type of food are important to be able to lose weight, but  also the time of day must be taken into account to  achieve this goal.

Proper distribution of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are macronutrients and provide the body with a lot of energy. They should make up about 50 percent of your daily diet.

Depending on what time of day you take in certain nutrients, they affect your  metabolism. Appetite also changes with the times of day and adapts to the circadian rhythm. It is therefore worth taking this into account in order to benefit from the advantages.

However, this internal clock adapts progressively to the daily rhythm, so there is no specific time at which unneeded carbohydrates are stored as fat. But if you eat carbohydrates in the evening, for example, they replace the glycogen used up during the day.

If you exercise during the day and do not replace the energy used by ingesting food, the body is drawing on its reserves. However, if you consume too many carbohydrates and there is still room in the reserves, the excess carbohydrates will be stored in the form of fat,  regardless of the time of day.

That is why the correct distribution of carbohydrates with the various meals is essential.

Proper Carbohydrate Distribution: They Are Important At Breakfast!

Proper Carbohydrate Distribution: They Are Important At Breakfast!
Energy consumption changes over the course of the day, so the consumption of the various nutrients should be adapted to the time of day.

During the day it is important to distinguish two phases: activation and recovery. Daylight influences these phases,  which each last about 12 hours.

Rubén Bravo, nutrition expert and spokesman for the Instituto Médico Europeo de la Obesidad (IMEO) confirms that carbohydrates are preferable in the morning, as the body needs a lot of energy at this time of the day and carbohydrates act faster than fats or proteins. He also recommends that you prefer carbohydrates from whole grains. This can be found in the following foods, for example:
  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Whole grain cereals

But not only the correct distribution of carbohydrates is important,  you should concentrate particularly on your individual situation and requirements.

Pre-meal snacks

When planning your planning, take into account not only the three main meals, but  also snacks in the morning or afternoon.

In the mornings, we recommend, for example, fruit with natural yoghurt, i.e. a combination of carbohydrates and protein, to  prevent the sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Because most types of fruit contain a lot of fructose.

The correct distribution of carbohydrates during exercise

The correct distribution of carbohydrates during exercise
You should also adjust your diet before, during and after exercise.

If you exercise, we recommend foods that contain carbohydrates with a good glycemic index (this refers to the blood sugar- increasing  effect of the food). It’s best to eat foods like fruit, oats, quinoa, etc. half an hour before training.

However, after exercising, you should use  foods rich in protein to nourish your muscles. 

Correct distribution of carbohydrates: After 6 p.m. no simple carbohydrates!

It is essential not to consume simple carbohydrates after 6 p.m. Because now the recovery phase begins, in which you can take in proteins and healthy fat  to promote cell regeneration.

For example, you can have a cup of natural yoghurt with nuts as a snack and fatty fish or lean meat (poultry) for dinner. If you wish, you can eat a very small amount of complex carbohydrates as a side dish. However, you should completely avoid simple carbohydrates in the evening  because these are converted into fat reserves because you no longer use as much energy.

Final remark

Proper distribution of carbohydrates doesn’t mean that you should avoid them altogether. These are important belly stones, but they should be consumed at the right time of day and in the right amount. Carbohydrates are recommended in the morning, but you should be careful with them in the evening and, above all, avoid simple carbohydrates (e.g. industrial baked goods).

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