Signs And Treatment Of Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites are not only restricted to animals and tropical regions, they also occur here!

Signs and treatment of intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites are not only uncomfortable, but also cause great concern in many people. But don’t be ashamed if you suffer from it. Intestinal parasites are widespread and have become a well-known health problem in many countries, according to research conducted at the Universidad Nacional de la Plata in Argentina.

If you suffer from it, all you have to do is go to the doctor and follow his instructions. You should look out for symptoms and seek treatment, as the parasites have been shown to cause health problems, especially in children.

In the following we will tell you what intestinal parasites are and which symptoms indicate them.

What are intestinal parasites?

Parasites are living things that live in other organisms and feed on them. Consequently, intestinal parasites are organisms whose survival depends on the diet and health of the human body.

Intestinal parasites can colonize your body in a number of ways. Most of the time, we get infected from undercooked food, according to a study by the Infectious Diseases Service at Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid. The larvae can easily hide in raw beef or pork.

But it could also be that you ingested them through contaminated water or undercooked fruits or vegetables. Another possibility is contact with animals, as this study shows (including pets such as cats, dogs and birds).

There are many different types of intestinal parasites. They come in different sizes and shapes and can cause different symptoms.

Symptoms indicative of intestinal parasites



Diarrhea is a symptom of various diseases, not just intestinal parasites. It can occur for a variety of reasons, from spoiled food to heart disease, as this study by the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid shows.

Diarrhea occurs very often when infected by single-cell intestinal parasites. This type of parasite is often referred to as a tapeworm, even if it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

With larger tapeworms, diarrhea only occurs when the intestine is already overpopulated. In this case, the worms can even be seen in the excrement.

stomach pain

Many patients mistake the pain for cramps, as the abdominal pain caused by intestinal parasites can be quite severe. Women often ignore this symptom, mistaking it for menstrual pain.

The abdominal pain caused by tapeworms occurs mainly below the chest, between the crotch and the stomach. According to some studies, there is even a link between irritable bowel syndrome and parasites. This symptom indicates long worms that feed directly on the intestinal walls, which irritates the nerve endings and causes severe pain.

Slow growth

Child on the toilet

This symptom is most common in children and adolescents. Intestinal parasites consume many vitamins and nutrients that are necessary for growth.

Children infected by parasites are often very small and slim, as confirmed by this study, which was carried out at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción in Paraguay. In addition, they are often low on energy. If your child sleeps a lot during the day and is tired when they wake up, they may have worms. It is best to seek the advice of a doctor.


Exhaustion is a symptom that can indicate malnutrition. If the parasites absorb more nutrients than the infected human body, it can make the person feel weak and tired. If you find that you have less energy than usual, you should be vigilant about other symptoms.

Dry cough

Man needs treatment for intestinal parasites

There are several types of worms that can affect the human intestines. However, during the first phase, the larvae can attack other parts of the body as well. Some parasites migrate to the lungs, according to a study by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Peru.

This can lead to tissue inflammation. A dry cough that cannot be relieved with anti-flu medications can indicate parasites. This symptom can be extremely uncomfortable and painful.

Altered appetite

Intestinal parasites are foreign bodies in the body. Even if you cannot physically feel their presence, your body receives continuous nerve signals from the intestines.

These signals tell the brain that the intestines are full even though you haven’t had a meal.

This can mean that your appetite changes, you eat less and less and are full even after small portions.

But there are also worms that absorb too many nutrients. This leads to a lack of nutrients in your body. In this case, you will be hungry more often and eat more.


You should be very vigilant about these symptoms. It is unlikely that just one of them would directly indicate a parasite infestation. However, if you experience two or more symptoms, you should see a doctor.

The doctor will recommend anti-parasite medication. Usually there is only a single dose, which is repeated after two weeks. Ideally, the whole family should seek treatment.

However, the best treatment is always to prevent. Children should make sure that they wash their hands frequently, especially after playing outside. The fingernails are also critical. They should always be short and clean.

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