Shakes For The Brain – Delicious And Healthy!

Almonds and nuts contain valuable minerals that nourish the brain perfectly, so they are indispensable.

Shakes for the brain - delicious and healthy!

Our memory performance depends very much on the diet. So this article is about shakes for the brain.

Many studies have shown that our brain needs certain natural active ingredients in order to be efficient and mature without losing memory and the ability to concentrate with increasing age.

Both our diet and our lifestyle play an important role in this.

For example, it is known that under-nourished children up to 3 years of age can be classified below their biological age. A saturated fat diet increases the production of amyloid proteins, which can promote the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.

It is therefore of the utmost importance to control our daily diet and, above all, to give preference to those foods that are beneficial for the functioning of our neurons.

In addition, we should be active and do activities that challenge our brain, such as learning new things and starting new projects.

Which foods are bad for memory?

Saturated fatty acids directly affect the blood flow to our brain. You should make sure to avoid these as much as possible.

  • White sugar: It makes us nervous and sometimes hyperactive and is not good for memory or concentration.
  • Alcohol: Badly damages our nervous system and then worsens concentration. Contributes to the destruction of neural networks that are crucial for our ability to remember.
  • Proteins: Proteins from red meat and aged cheese in particular produce tryptophan and serotonin and have a negative effect on our nervous system.

Tips for our brains and a good memory

  • Don’t forget breakfast. Hypoglycemic states, for example, are very bad for concentration. You should definitely start the day with basic nutrients that will keep your brain energized. Although the brain is only 2% of our body, it requires 20% of the energy.
  • Do sports or plead gentle movement exercises.
  • Take a rest . Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Our brain needs rest and relaxation in order to store experiences, memories, etc. in the long term.

Shakes for the brain

lose weight-with-fruit

Below are three delicious shake recipes that are packed with nutrients and energy. You can drink these alternately two or three times a week and you will see that you are not so exhausted.

Even if you don’t notice it right away , it will improve brain function.

Shake made from apples, carrots and almonds

This drink is a natural remedy for tiredness, to regain energy and to support our brain. The apple  provides fiber as well as vitamins E and C, it is refreshing and moisturizing.

Carrots contain vitamins A, B and C and numerous minerals that are good for our brain (potassium, calcium, phosphorus …), clean the blood and give us more energy.

Almonds and nuts in general are extremely important to our brains, they are rich in minerals and have excellent nutrients.


  • 3 carrots
  • 3 nuts
  • 2 apples
  • 3 almonds


– Wash the fruits and then peel the almonds and nuts.
– Finely chop the fruits, almonds and nuts in the blender at maximum speed.
– Serve the shake in a glass and then drink it immediately … simply delicious!

Strawberry and oat shake

Oats have an alkaline effect and contain vitamin B1, which is an excellent aid against mental fatigue and provides energy. Not only are strawberries delicious, they’re also a  natural antioxidant and great for improving our brains.


  • 3 strawberries
  • 1/2 glass of oats
  • 1 glass of low-fat milk
  • 2 spoons of honey


The preparation is very simple: Simply mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a delicate pink shake. You will love this tasty drink that will give you new energy!

Since this shake contains a lot of sugar, it is not necessarily suitable for diabetics.

Banana and coconut shake

This shake is excellent for increasing learning and memory performance: it is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins A, C and E …


  • 1 glass of low-fat milk
  • 5 almonds
  • 1/2 ripe banana.
  • 1/7 fresh coconut meat without the shell in small pieces


– Peel the banana and then mix it together with the fresh coconut meat in a blender.
– Then add the milk and almonds.
– Mix all the ingredients in the blender at high speed.

If you want, you can sprinkle the shake with cinnamon before serving. Enjoy this refreshing and delicious drink, your brain and memory will be grateful to you.

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