Recipes With Pumpkin: Not Just Soup!

Recipes with pumpkin are mostly limited to soups and stews. But there are many more delicious recipe ideas with pumpkin!

Recipes with pumpkin: not just soup!

Few pumpkin recipes differ from each other: pumpkin soup or pumpkin stew seem to be the only pumpkin recipes served.

But pumpkin can be prepared in so many ways that you don’t have to cook pumpkin soup over and over again to enjoy the delicious winter vegetables!

Recipes with pumpkin: which pumpkin is best?

For our pumpkin recipes, we recommend using a pumpkin that does not need to be peeled. If you’ve peeled pumpkin before, you’ll know how troublesome it is.

But there is a trick you can use to simply peel any pumpkin so that you can cook our recipes with pumpkin from any type of pumpkin.

To do this, cut the pumpkin into large pieces and place them in the oven on baking paper. Cook the pumpkin pieces at about 200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

The skin is then softer and can be separated from the pumpkin flesh much easier. The pumpkin is then already pre-cooked and reduces the cooking time for all dishes in which pumpkin is not used raw.

Now try our recipes with pumpkin and be surprised how versatile this storable vegetable is!

Recipes with pumpkin

Smoothie with pumpkin

Please note that not every pumpkin can be eaten raw. So before you use the pumpkin of your choice to make a smoothie, test it.

If it tastes bitter, it contains poisonous cucurbitacins and must not be consumed. Most edible pumpkins, however, are varieties that you can process raw with a clear conscience.

For the bright orange smoothie you need:

  • 150g pumpkin
  • 150 carrots
  • 1 large pear
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds or
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin seed oil

Pear, carrot and pumpkin should be processed in roughly equal quantities, so that the quantities given here are only indicative.

With some types of pumpkin you can eat the shell with it, for example with the Hokkaido pumpkin. Clean the carrots and cut the carrots and pumpkin into pieces. Remove the core of the pear and roughly cut it with the skin into suitable pieces.

Carrot and pumpkin can only be made into a smoothie with a little liquid. So take some water or (apple) juice to make your smoothie drinkable.

Drizzle the finished smoothie with pumpkin seed oil or sprinkle it with (roasted) pumpkin seeds.

  • Tip: If you only have a hand blender and no blender, the vegetables are probably too firm and hard. You can still prepare the smoothie if you finely grate the pumpkin and carrots on the kitchen grater, as you would for a salad, and then puree them with the pear.
    Pumpkin can prevent hair loss

    Pumpkin wedges from the oven

    The pumpkin wedges are good as a snack with salads or as an accompaniment to meat dishes. They are quick and easy to prepare and can be seasoned to suit every dish with an ever-changing choice of spices.

    You need:

    • 500g pumpkin (Hokkaido or butternut)
    • 4 tablespoons of oil
    • 1 teaspoon of salt
    • Spices of your choice, for example chilli, paprika, pepper, curry, …

    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Cut the pumpkin into slices as thick as a thumb. Mix the oil with the spices and salt and mix the pumpkin wedges with the marinade in a bowl so that the seasoning oil is evenly distributed over the pumpkin.

    Then spread the marinated pumpkin pieces on parchment paper on a baking sheet and put them in the oven.

    After about 10 minutes, turn and turn the pumpkin pieces so they can brown all over. After a total cooking time of 20-30 minutes, the pumpkin wedges are done and you can serve them.

    • Tip: If you want to season the pumpkin wedges Indian-Asian, stir a tablespoon of honey into the oil and season with curry and a little cumin. After cooking, sprinkle the wedges with fresh coriander leaves.
    Recipes with pumpkin

    Pumpkin jam

    Pumpkin recipes don’t always have to be hearty! Pumpkin jam not only looks brightly colored, it also has a wonderfully creamy texture and tastes fruity. You need:

    • 400ml coconut milk
    • 75g desiccated coconut
    • 4 limes, the juice of them
    • 1100g pumpkin (e.g. butternut)
    • 200ml orange juice
    • 500g preserving sugar (3: 1)
    • 1 pack of vanilla sugar

    Free the pumpkin from seeds and inner workings. Leave in the preheated oven at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes. Then it can be easily peeled.

    Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes and cook together with the juice of the squeezed limes and coconut milk for approx. 10 minutes with an open saucepan until soft. In the meantime, roast the desiccated coconut without oil.

    Puree the softly cooked pumpkin in the coconut milk and weigh it. Fill up to a total of 1500 g with approx. 200 ml orange juice. Add the roasted coconut flakes.

    Now add the vanilla and preserving sugar while stirring, let everything boil for 3 minutes according to the instructions on the packet and pour hot into prepared glasses. Close immediately.

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