Preventative Measures Against Age Spots

Age spots on the hands reveal more about your actual age than wrinkles around the eyes. But you can prevent it.

What helps preventively against age spots

As you age, not only do wrinkles appear, but age spots that reveal your real age. They are benign, but not popular because of their “honesty”. You can prevent them if you start early enough! Here you can find various tips  against age spots.

What exactly are age spots?

Age spots are actually a phenomenon that only occurs when two factors are met:

  • a certain age and / or
  • UV radiation.

Age spots appear on areas of the skin that have received a particularly large amount of UV radiation throughout life. This is the face, the back of the hands, sometimes forearms, neck and décolleté.

The spots are benign collections of a skin pigment that looks a bit waxy. Nevertheless, you should have all skin spots, whether freckles, age spots or liver spots, checked regularly (at least once a year) by a dermatologist in order to rule out malignant skin changes.

Take care of your skin with sunscreen

Prevention of age spots

Consistent UV / sun protection of the areas of the skin in question is the only possible prevention. This means that you should protect the skin areas that are generally exposed to UV radiation from sunlight:

  • Use sun protection factor facial care.
  • Choose hand cream with a UV filter.
  • Wear sunscreen on your forearms, neckline, or neck, or wear appropriate clothing.

The higher the sun protection factor, the better. Pay attention to it even in winter. In everyday life, however, it is advisable to forego sun protection for short stays outdoors in order not to prevent the body’s own production of vitamin D. The younger you are when you start this consistent prevention, the more effective!

How can you remove the stains?

Age spots can be removed using a variety of methods. However, since they are benign, you will have to pay for them yourself.

As long as they are not pathological, for example skin cancer, there is no medical reason to lighten skin spots. It is entirely in the eye of the beholder whether skin spots are annoying or not. The following methods are available:

  • Laser therapy
  • Fruit acid
  • Vitamin A acid application
  • Preparations with rucinol

Very important: After the stains have been successfully removed, consistent protection against UV radiation is essential to prevent them from recurring.

What can you do about age spots at home?

If you want to get rid of your age spots without expensive laser treatment, we have bad news; it will not work. All you can do is try exfoliating and other abrasive methods to soften the color of the spots on the skin, i.e. make the spots appear lighter.

For example, peeling removes the top layer of skin and exposes an underlying, lighter layer of skin to the surface. A weekly peeling is therefore suitable to keep your unloved skin spots permanently bright. You can also use the following home remedies to help:

Lemon against age spots

Fruit acid

You can get a cheap and simple peeling if you mix a lot of table sugar or salt with a little lemon or orange juice to a granular pulp and use it as a peeling. The fruit acid contained in the citrus fruits also helps to intensify the peeling. There are also medicinal peelings with concentrated fruit acid that you can get from beauticians.

Lactic acid

Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which, like the fruit acid described above, helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when the skin is peeled or rubbed off. Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk.

Every evening, apply a sour milk product of your choice thick with the back of a knife to the area of ​​the skin affected by unwanted spots and leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Aloe vera for age spots

Aloe vera

The aloe vera gel does not have a lightening effect, of course, but it calms your skin after peeling, especially after peeling that you have enriched with fruit acids. Wash the peeling off the skin without leaving any residue and then apply pure aloe gel to the skin.

You will see skin reddened or irritated by exfoliation cool, calm, and moisturize.

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