Perfect Combination: Bread With Olive Oil

Did you know that a slice of bread with olive oil for breakfast provides important nutrients and can prevent constipation?

Perfect combination: bread with olive oil

Bread with olive oil is a popular combination for a classic Mediterranean breakfast. But is that really healthy? Doesn’t that make you gain weight? Is it a good idea to start the day with it?

The answer to all of these questions is simple. You can eat bread with olive oil without hesitation, because it is a healthy combination that can  also improve physical and mental performance. 

Then you will find 5 reasons why you should include a slice of whole grain bread with a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil in your breakfast.

Bread with olive oil: 5 good reasons to enjoy this combination every day

If you have little time in the morning: bread with olive oil, a piece of fruit and a coffee is always a perfect choice.

This combination is also recommended if you get hungry in the morning or if you want to eat something healthy in between.

However, you should consider various aspects:

  • Always choose extra virgin olive oil.
  • Avoid white bread.
  • Choose natural whole grain products: rye bread, oat bread, whole grain bread with seeds …
  • However, you shouldn’t consume the bread with the oil with every meal. One slice once or twice a day is sufficient.

Then we’ll explain why this combination is so healthy:


1. Nutrients that don’t make you fat

This bread not only tastes delicious, it also provides the body with important nutrients: carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium … and no saturated fatty acids.

2. Good for cardiovascular health

The oil from pressed olives is a natural treasure for health, especially for the heart and arteries.

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it are healthy  and also regulate the level of bad cholesterol (LDL).

In addition, olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which helps in the fight against atherosclerosis and also regulates blood pressure.

3. Improves digestion and relieves constipation

With the delicious bread you can improve digestion, prevent flatulence and excess acid and also prevent constipation.

This reduces acid production and promotes bowel functions. This delicious combination has a slight laxative effect, so it is worth eating a slice of bread with the delicious oil for breakfast.

4. Works against depression

Olive oil contains polyphenols and has anti-inflammatory properties. It improves well-being and also increases endorphin levels. 

It is well tolerated, improves cardiac functions and slows down cell oxidation, which is why we feel comfortable with it.

If you want to start the day energetic and in a good mood, don’t doubt a slice of bread with this delicious oil.

5. Bread with olive oil to cleanse the liver

  • If you have a glass of water with a splash of lemon juice every morning, you can alternate that with bread and olive oil.
  • This can be used to detoxify the liver and gallbladder. The antioxidants and vitamin E of the olive-pressed oil  optimize liver function and then promote cleansing activity. 
  • If you have fatty liver, a daily slice of bread with olive oil on an empty stomach is also recommended.

How can you best benefit from this combination?


There are numerous ways to prepare a delicious Mediterranean bread roll. You can also use other ingredients that provide additional nutrients.

You will then find various suggestions:

Option 1

  • Toast a slice of rye or oat bread in the oven.
  • Squeeze a clove of garlic, mix it with the olive oil and then pour it onto the bread.

Option 2

  • Cut into a wholemeal baguette several times without cutting through the bread.
  • Mix the olive oil, garlic and parsley and then spread it on the bread.
  • Warm in the oven for a few minutes.

Option 3

  • Toasting a slice of bread in the oven.
  • Put half a chopped tomato on top.
  • Refine with a dash of olive oil.

Option 4

  • Put a splash of oil on a slice of bread.
  • Chop up the nuts and then sprinkle them on top.
  • Then season with a little white pepper and toast in the oven.

Option 5

  • Toast a slice of bread in the oven.
  • Serve the bread with a little oregano, a sliced ​​tomato and a dash of olive oil.

You should rather avoid salt in these recipes!

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