Pancreatic Cancer Is Said To Be The Second Deadliest Type Of Cancer

More and more people are developing pancreatic cancer. In this post you will find out interesting facts about causes and preventive measures.

Pancreatic cancer is said to be the second deadliest cancer

Pancreatic cancer diseases have increased dramatically in recent years. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that this type of cancer is one of the 5 most common causes of death, just after lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach and colon cancer.

According to a study published in the scientific journal Sciencie Daily, pancreatic cancer – also known as pancreatic cancer – is expected to be the second most deadly cancer in 2030.

This is worrying, especially because this type of cancer causes few symptoms initially and is therefore often diagnosed late.

Another thing to remember is that if there are ever more cases of pancreatic cancer in the future, it means that new knowledge has emerged in science that may reduce the death rate from breast or colon cancer.

This would of course be very positive, because it should not be forgotten that cancer does not have to be equated with death. It’s a struggle and trust in science, gaining more knowledge and exploring new treatment options every day.

In today’s post we explain the reasons for the steady increase in pancreatic cancers.

Pancreatic cancer diseases are expected to increase in the next few years

Life expectancy is increasing all the time, and precisely because people are getting older, certain diseases develop more frequently.

Pancreatic cancer usually develops between the ages of 46 and 75 years. Statistically speaking, however, this disease occurs most frequently from the age of 71. After that, the risk continues to increase.

With various risk factors, such as tobacco consumption, family history or certain pancreatic diseases, the risk of pancreatic cancer can also increase.

  • It should not be forgotten, however, that pancreatic cancer is not 100% due to these risks. Experts point out  that the exact causes of the disease are still not clearly established.

There are also people who get it when they barely 40, even if they lead a healthy lifestyle.

This is why scientists keep pointing out that the greatest difficulties in controlling cancer arise:

Pancreatic cancer

Difficulty in diagnosis

As mentioned at the beginning, the mortality rate from pancreatic cancer is so high because patients with breast, stomach or colon cancer have better treatment options.

  • The pancreas lies across the inside of the upper abdomen. It is difficult to access with conventional examination methods.
  • In addition,  with pancreatic cancer in the first phase there are usually no symptoms to be felt. At this initial stage of development, treatment of course would mean easier. However, as the disease progresses, it becomes more and more complicated.

Factors That Should Be Considered

Scientists published this study in various media, especially because large organisms need to be informed of the need for more financial resources to research this disease. are.

Better treatments need to be developed, and experts need to be trained to learn new things about pancreatic cancer as it may evolve into one of the deadliest cancers in the next few years.

Fighting the time to protect the elderly and vulnerable  requires “an investment in health”. 

We know that pancreatic cancer or other types of cancer cannot be 100% avoided.

But those who adopt healthy habits can still take preventive measures and at the same time improve well-being, the natural defenses, antibodies and energy reserves.


The following aspects should be considered in the fight against pancreatic cancer:

  • Avoid harmful habits like tobacco and alcohol.
  • In the case of obesity, you should do something about it.
  • Sedentary lifestyle is also bad. Get enough exercise every day, a walk or simple aerobic exercise can go a long way.
  • Pancreatic cancer is more common in diabetics. You should also keep this in mind.
  • Anyone who suffers from chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) should have regular check-ups.
  • You should increase your intake of vitamin C, fluids, and fresh foods that are high in antioxidants. Ask your doctor whether a vitamin D supplement might make sense.
  • You should also avoid high-fat foods. Olive oil and grains are preferable to improve digestion.

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