New Study: Dandelion Helps With Eczema

If you make a habit of drinking a cup of dandelion tea every evening, you will promote the elimination of harmful substances from the organism and so relieve inflammation caused by eczema .

New study: dandelion helps with eczema

Dandelion has been used as a panacea for over 1000 years, with which liver diseases, digestive problems or even skin problems can be treated.

In the meantime, science has been able to prove various effects of this meadow herb. Dandelion can also be very helpful with eczema, this is the result of a scientific study that we will take a closer look at afterwards.

Eczema is the name given to various inflammatory skin diseases that can be caused by different triggers. This can lead to reddening of the skin, blistering or flaking, for example.

However, eczema should not be confused with psoriasis, as these are completely different processes.

Psoriasis can be recognized by the flaking and whitish color of the skin and requires a completely different treatment than eczema.

Dandelion won’t be as useful in this case as it would be in a simple inflammatory skin reaction, also known as dermatitis.

As shown in the aforementioned study, which was carried out at Odense University Hospital (Denmark)  , dandelions help with dyshidrotic eczema ( dyshidrosis). 

Then you will learn more about this topic.

Dandelion has a naturally cleansing effect

  • The Danish study mentioned was carried out in 2010 with a group of 20 subjects. All of them had eczema, which manifested itself as blistering and itching of the skin.
  • All participants received concentrated dandelion juice for four weeks, and after just a few days the subjects reported an improvement in symptoms. After a month there were no more bubbles.

    The effect of this medicinal plant can be explained as follows:

    Dandelion has an antibacterial effect


    Dandelion milk has long been used to treat skin diseases. This medicinal plant can be very useful both externally and internally,  as it has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

    In addition, dandelion has base-forming properties and cleanses the organism. But that’s not all: hormonal disorders that lead to skin complaints can also be treated with it.

    Dandelion antioxidant properties

    The antioxidant effect of this meadow herb  reduces the inflammation of the skin cells. Dandelion is also characterized by vitamins A, C, D and B, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium, which can be used to regenerate the injured, inflamed tissue.

    The positive effect on the liver improves the complexion

    If the liver cannot properly remove harmful substances, this is reflected in the skin.

    Liquids are stored in the tissue, acne, inflammation and itching occur and changes in the color of the skin can also result.

    • If you drink dandelion tea regularly, you are supplying your liver with numerous antioxidants such as vitamin C and luteolin.
    • With it you can strengthen the liver functions and  improve the immune system. This helps the body fight eczema better.

    How can dandelion tea relieve dermatitis or eczema?


    What do i need?

    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of dandelion (5 g)


    This tea is prepared like any other:

    • Bring the water to the boil and then add the dandelions.
    • Simmer for 15 minutes and then let it steep for another 5 minutes.
    • Then strain and, if desired, sweeten with a little honey.

    When is the best time to drink dandelion tea?


    Have a cup of dandelion tea every night.

    As mentioned earlier, there is a close connection between the liver and the skin. You can optimize liver function with this tea, so it is most useful before bed.

    • In this way you can promote the regeneration of the organism during the night, because various cleaning processes are carried out during this time.
    • You have to stay constant with the intake in order to actually benefit from all the advantages! The body gets used to it over time and can then detox more effectively and reduce inflammation that leads to eczema.


    Even if it is a natural remedy, it should not be taken in the following situations:


    Dandelion stimulates the gallbladder and increases the production of bile.

    Kidney stones


    Dandelion leaves are high in oxalate, which promotes the formation of kidney stones.


    Dandelion stimulates the production of stomach acid, so this tea should not be drunk if you have heartburn or reflux.

    Stomach ulcer

    If you have a stomach ulcer, you should avoid dandelion. This promotes the production of gastric juices.

    Remember that certain medications should not be combined with dandelions. When taking lithium or antibiotics, for example, you should avoid them.

    Before taking it, ask your doctor, who will certainly be able to give you the best advice.

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