New Coronavirus Symptom: Conjunctivitis

International health experts point out that conjunctivitis can also be a sign of Covid-19. Although the World Health Organization has not yet recorded this symptom on its diagnostic record, cases have been confirmed where the only symptom was red eyes.

New coronavirus symptom: conjunctivitis

In the last few days there has been increasing reports that conjunctivitis can also be a symptom of Covid-19. Although this was pointed out by various medical organizations from the start, this symptom has now been confirmed.

In the United States, health professionals were the first to point this out,  but neither the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) nor the World Health Organization (WHO) included this symptom on their list of signs of Covid-19.

Two articles have been published in the scientific literature on this subject:

  • A study published in the Journal of Medical Virology found SARS-CoV-2 in the eye secretions of some patients  and therefore indicated the presence of the virus in the conjunctiva of the eye.
  • A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine points to conjunctivitis as a symptom of patients infected with the coronavirus, which has been confirmed by Chinese laboratories. Around 1 percent of the registered cases suffered from conjunctivitis.

    What is conjunctivitis?

    Conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis is  one of the most common diseases of the eye worldwide. Usually it is a mild illness that can be cured quickly.

    In  conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva of the eye that protects the visible part of the white eyeball and the inside of the eyelids becomes inflamed. This inflammation causes the small blood vessels to widen and the eyes are reddened.

    It can be a viral or bacterial infection. In addition, conjunctivitis often occurs as part of an allergy. Various diseases, such as Sjogren’s syndrome (a chronic autoimmune disease), can also trigger conjunctivitis.

    As a symptom of Covid-19 disease, conjunctivitis is caused by SARS-CoV-2. We will then go into more detail on this topic.

    What is conjunctivitis?
    The inflammation of the conjunctiva can be recognized by the reddening of the eye.

    American Academy of Ophthalmology report on conjunctivitis as a Covid-19 symptom

    The  American Academy of Ophthalmology, a professional association of ophthalmologists, has released a report with information from its members on the subject, which shows  that conjunctivitis is a new symptom of Covid-19. 

    Theoretically,  droplets infected with the coronavirus can infect the conjunctiva of the eye. As is known, this new coronavirus is infected by droplets that are transmitted through the air.

    Not only direct transmission is possible. It is important to remember that the infected droplets can be on surfaces that we attack. If we then touch our mouth, nose or eyes with our hands, an infection can occur. It is therefore essential to wash your hands thoroughly and to disinfect the area regularly.

    The  American Academy of Ophthalmology  points out  that patients with conjunctivitis and fever, especially if there are also breathing difficulties, are suspected of being infected with SARS-CoV-2. If, in addition, contact with infected people can be proven, or if the person concerned was in a risk area, a diagnosis is definitely necessary.

    That is why the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that  professionals protect not only their mouth and nose, but also their eyes when treating patients. This new symptom of Covid-19 makes it necessary to adapt the protective measures and be even stricter. 

    Other new symptoms that indicate infection with SARS-CoV-2

    In addition to conjunctivitis, various medical organizations have pointed out other symptoms that could be an indication of Covid-19, but are not classic signs.

    The Spanish Society of Neurology (Sociedad Española de Neurología) recommends isolating people with sudden loss of sense of smell as it could be a sign of Covid-19. Digestive complaints could also be classified as new symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Above all, this includes diarrhea. Because almost 50 percent of infected patients suffer from it.

    Conjunctivitis caused by coronavirus
    Medical organizations recommend protecting your eyes as well to reduce the risk of contracting the new coronavirus.

    What to do if you have conjunctivitis or other possible symptoms of Covid-19?

    We have seen that conjunctivitis as well as the loss of smell or taste or diarrhea could indicate illness with the new coronavirus. Even if the World Health Organization hasn’t added these symptoms to its top symptoms list yet, people with these signs should be tested for coronavirus. 

    It is particularly important to reduce the infection rate during the corona pandemic. Therefore particular caution is required at the moment. For this reason, the symptoms mentioned should also be taken into account. 

    If you experience these new symptoms, you should definitely get checked out. Specific hotlines and contact options with specialists are available in each country. You should follow the prescribed protocol before going to the emergency room. This is very important in order not to jeopardize the quarantine measures and, as far as possible, not to spread the virus through negligence.

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