How Much Exercise Per Day Is Advisable?

Daily exercise increases health, that much is clear. But how much exercise a day is enough?

How much exercise per day is advisable?

Regular exercise per day prevents various diseases and complaints. But what is the minimum? How much is realistic? How much exercise per day can you do in everyday life?

Regular exercise a day promotes health

A little more exercise per day promotes your health a little more every day. Very easily. The more you manage to integrate into your everyday life, the better.

But your everyday life is certainly not characterized by too much free time, so you are sure of the opinion that you cannot implement the minimum amount of exercise per day, right?

If you want to do something to improve your fitness every day, just 15 minutes of exercise a day can help you become fitter and more flexible. That’s enough! It is not necessary to necessarily go to the gym.

More exercise per day is also easy to achieve at home, in the park or in the garden. However, it is important that you consistently implement the tips, otherwise they will be of little use.

Integrate more movement into everyday life

If you want to get more exercise, 15 minutes a day is enough. It won’t make you a marathon runner or an Olympic champion, but you can make sure that

  • your circulation is strengthened,
  • your stamina increases,
  • your muscles are strengthened,
  • your circulation becomes more stable,
  • your basal metabolic rate increases

and you end up burning a little more fat than usual.

In the following, we would like to show you very simple ways how you can get more fitness with just 15 minutes a day and simple exercises and everyday movements, without having to go to a sports studio.

Integrate the following exercises into your everyday life:


Of course you don’t have any time, especially not for more exercise. The answer is simple: run faster!

If you run faster, you cover more distance in the same time. And that is exactly what gives you the opportunity to integrate more movement into everyday life:

  • Get off one stop earlier.
  • Walk to the mailbox / office / bakery.
  • Choose the parking lot furthest from the entrance.
  • Choosing a supermarket that is not the closest.

With a higher running pace you can do everything that you have to do anyway at the same time, but also ensure more fitness.

Fast running in particular stimulates the circulation, wakes you up in the morning, pumps fresh air through your lungs and increases your stamina.

Stair jumping

If you’re already taking the stairs instead of the elevator, that’s a big step forward. If you’re still getting on the elevator, this is the first place to start.

If you are already ready to run up the stairs, even to the top floor, then an increase is waiting for you: stair hopping!

When climbing the stairs, try to constantly set yourself changing tasks with which you master the stairs. A few more floors than you would have to go to your home or work anyway.

Ideas for this are for example:

  • Skip every other stage.
  • Walk every other flight of stairs as quickly as possible to the next landing.
  • Hop up from step to step with your legs closed.
  • Try hopping up the stairs on one leg.

In the beginning it will be difficult for you, but you will see that your muscles, which are necessary for jumping, build up through daily stair jumping and the exercises become easier and easier for you.

Perhaps it will work out soon with the heavy shopping bags in hand or with a stack of files that you only take every second step?


Yes, push-ups are exhausting, boring and – you can see the dust under the closet or bed.

But with push-ups you train your arm, abdominal and back muscles, without any fitness training or gym.

And maybe you will discover one or the other woolly mouse or storage area that you can remove at the same time.


Squats have been known since gymnastics father Jahn and have an equally boring image. But why not just integrate the squat into your everyday life?

When doing the squat, it is important to keep your back straight and your legs hip-width apart. Now lower your bottom straight down and slowly lift it up again. The slower and more controlled, the better!

And now integrate this exercise into your everyday life. How about doing squats while brushing your teeth or in the shower?

It takes some coordination to scrub your teeth and bend your knees at the same time, but that too makes for more fitness – in the brain!

During all exercises, make sure that you cannot injure yourself, otherwise “more fitness” will unfortunately quickly lead to “more accidents”.

Jumping stairs is certainly not a good idea in high heels and starting fast running on black ice is not the safest exercise either.

Use common sense and discover for yourself how easy it is to get more exercise in everyday life with just 15 minutes!

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