Homemade, Natural Energy Drinks

The combination of natural ingredients guarantees a healthy drink that, like commercial products, provides a lot of energy.

Homemade, natural energy drinks

Energy drinks are all the rage. These are non-alcoholic beverages that contain various stimulants such as caffeine or taurine, as well as sugar, to combat fatigue. 

But are these drinks good for your health? In this post you will find recipes for homemade alternatives without side effects.

The competent authorities admit that there is no legislation on energy drinks. These are neither refreshments nor diet beverages, even if they contain strong stimulants.

Caution is required when consuming energy drinks, as unpleasant side effects can occur, especially if an illness is already present. You can find out more about this topic below.

Health risks from energy drinks

Energy drink
  • The  EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has published a report on a study it commissioned, which shows that consuming energy drinks is not dangerous as long as it is done correctly.
  • The greatest risk of the substances taurine  (can damage the brain) and D-glucuronolactone is for the kidneys. The report suggests that daily consumption begins the risk. If you are a regular energy drink user, you shouldn’t drink more than 125 ml per day. In any case, the general state of health should be taken into account.
  • One of the main problems with energy drinks is the excessive amount of caffeine, as well as the amount of calories,  which is far higher than that of colas. If caffeine is taken regularly, it can overstimulate the nervous system and result in headaches.
  • A high consumption of energy drinks can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and stomach problems. 
  • In the composition of these drinks one often finds references to natural substances. Experts report that they are powerful diuretics that should be  consumed with caution.
  • Taurine, ephedrine, guanine and arginine increase the risk of developing coronary problems and other ailments.
  • Studies show that consuming 2-3 doses a day can lead to headaches, anxiety, difficulty  concentrating and mood swings. 

Homemade energy drinks

Coconut milk and spirulina

Coconut energy drink


  • 500 ml coconut milk
  • 1 Spirulina capsule – powder (these capsules are available in health food stores, pharmacies and also in some supermarkets, quantities can be found on the package insert).


First, add the coconut milk to the beverage bottle you want to use. Also add the spirulina powder, seal the bottle and then shake it to mix the ingredients.

It is a natural energy drink. Coconut milk is rich in potassium, spirulina contains magnesium, essential amino acids and vitamins of the B group (B1, B2 and B6). 

Oranges and flaxseed oil

Energy drink with orange juice


  • Juice of two oranges
  • 2 spoons of flaxseed oil


First press the orange juice and then mix it with the flaxseed oil with the mixer, this creates a homogeneous mixture. If desired, place the drink in the refrigerator for 10 minutes to keep it fresh.

This energy drink contains magnesium, potassium and vitamin C.  Flaxseed oil reduces the  sugar content of oranges in the blood,  so it is very healthy.

Banana and spinach

Banana and Spinach Energy Drink


  • 1 banana
  • 3 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of cold water


First wash the spinach leaves and peel the banana. Then mix everything in the blender with the water until a homogeneous juice is produced. You can add two ice cubes or a spoonful of honey as desired. With this drink you supply your body with potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. 

Ginger and turmeric

Energy drink with ginger


  • fresh, sliced ​​ginger slice
  • Pinch of turmeric powder
  • Teaspoon of honey
  • Glass of fresh water


First wash and cut the ginger and add it and the turmeric powder to a cup of boiling water. Let the infusion sit for 10 minutes and then sieve it.

Add the honey and stir it well. If you prefer a cold drink, you can add some water and ice cubes.

Ginger and turmeric donate a lot of energy and are also healthy. The blood circulation is also stimulated by this drink with a special taste.

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