Home Remedies For Insomnia: Salt And Sugar

A mixture of sugar and salt can help regulate the blood level of stress hormones and reduce them to a normal level, so that restful sleep is possible

Home remedies for insomnia: salt and sugar

Insomnia is characterized by difficulty falling and staying asleep. Those affected wake up several times at night or very early in the morning and then cannot go back to sleep. In this article, we’ll tell you which  home remedies can help with insomnia.

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in our population . The majority of those affected are women, the elderly, and people who suffer from psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Insufficient sleep ensures that those affected cannot start their day relaxed and that both the quality of their work and their own quality of life are impaired. In addition to the job, the social environment is often also affected.

Because of the serious consequences that insomnia has on mental and physical health, there are now a variety of medications and alternative treatments and  home remedies for insomnia .

However, you should only take commercially available pharmaceuticals under the supervision of a doctor and  then only to a limited extent. Uncontrolled self-medication or an overdose can have serious side effects.

That is why we recommend that you use natural remedies and home remedies for insomnia. In this way you can significantly improve the quality of your sleep without any side effects.

The salt and sugar remedy is very popular with people suffering from insomnia. Those who have tried it assure that it works very effectively  .

What is this salt and sugar remedy?

Salt and sugar as home remedies for insomnia

One of the main causes of insomnia is excessive physical or emotional stress. This stress sets in motion biochemical processes that limit the production of sleep-inducing hormones.

If the level of  stress hormones in the blood increases, the sleep rhythm is disturbed. The affected person cannot go to sleep or has problems staying asleep.

This is exactly where the salt and sugar remedy comes in. Both ingredients are able to reduce the blood levels of the stress hormones to their normal level, so that the production of those hormones that are associated with a healthy sleep is not disturbed.

In the by Matt Stone, an independent researcher who published book Eat for Heat (in German: food for warmth ) you will find  the following recommendation for better sleep :

Salt and Sugar as Home Remedies for Insomnia?

Today, many people are already aware that excessive consumption of salt and sugar can be harmful to health and is also involved in the development of a large number of diseases.

A moderate consumption of salt and sugar, however, is accepted from the point of view of nutritionists, because the organism needs both in small amounts in order to function.

Sugar and salt as home remedies for insomnia

Benefits of the Salt and Sugar Mixture

Perhaps this mixture does not have a particularly tasty taste, but its positive effect definitely offsets this small disadvantage. The mixture

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • relieves headache,
  • provides the organism with energy,
  • regulates the electrolyte balance,  increases the blood level of serotonin and
  • works against stress.

The recipe for this great home remedy for insomnia

Recipe for home remedies for insomnia

To make this excellent insomnia remedy, you will need the following ingredients :

  • 1 teaspoon unprocessed sea salt (5 g)
  • 5 teaspoons of brown sugar (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of panels


Put all the ingredients in a small bag or jar and shake well. Above all, make sure that the panel mixes well with the rest of the ingredients.

It is recommended to apply 1 teaspoon of salt to 5 teaspoons of sugar. If the result is too salty for you, you can also change the proportion in favor of the sugar.

How do I take the remedy?

Put a small amount of the mixture before going to bed or after night waking under your tongue and wait until it has completely dissolved.

If you keep the mixture in the bedside cabinet, you’ll have it handy when you need it in the middle of the night. Then put a pinch under your tongue and fall asleep really well.

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