Hoarseness And Voice Disorders – Natural Remedies

In this article you will find some excellent natural remedies that can help with hoarseness and voice disorders.

Hoarseness and Voice Disorders - Natural Remedies

Hoarseness (complete loss of voice) and voice disorders (partial loss of voice with different tone, volume and quality) are problems that mostly arise from abuse or misuse of the voice.

We’re going to shed light on some of the causes here, and introduce suitable natural remedies to help you regain your voice.

Typical reasons for hoarseness and voice problems

  • Speak in a louder voice than usual
  • Inhalation of smoke or other irritant gases
  • Ingestion of toxic and irritating substances
  • Cough or hoarseness
  • Singing with the wrong technique
  • Injury to the vocal cords (nodules or polyps)
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Extreme temperatures (drinking very cold or very hot drinks, colder outside temperatures, etc.)
  • Breathing problems (e.g., mouth breathing during the night)
  • Emotional or nerve problems

If the hoarseness persists for more than three to four days, it is advisable to see an ear, nose and throat doctor who can check the larynx and rule out certain diseases.

Once the reason is found, you should continue to follow the specialist’s recommendations. In addition, you can take other measures to get better faster.

You should also avoid all inflammatory foods (such as tobacco, alcohol, etc.). You should keep your neck area warm, especially during the cold season. 

Below we will introduce some food and nutritional supplements that can help you regain your voice faster. People who work a lot with their voice every day (teachers, speakers, singers, speakers …) should follow these tips daily.

Natural healing methods

Ginger is a plant that is very suitable for caring for the vocal cords. We can eat it fresh, as a tea, dried or boiled down. We can also put a few drops of ginger essential oil on our neck (diluted with a little almond oil).

Ginger for hoarseness

Antibacterial onion juice with brown sugar: We cook two onions on medium heat with a liter of water for about 20 minutes. Add two to three tablespoons of brown sugar to the remaining liquid. Then take sips of the juice throughout the day.

Thyme tea: Thyme contains many active ingredients and is particularly recommended as a tea in this case, together with the juice of half a lemon and sweetened with honey. We can also gargle the tea.

Propolis: We can drink this natural antibiotic with hot water throughout the day.

Sage and ribwort tea: These two plants are rich in mucilage, which act as a kind of soluble fiber and emollient and can repair the mucous membrane. We can make a tea from the plants or gargle with it.

Mixture of olive oil, honey and lemon: We mix one tablespoon of olive oil (from the first cold pressing) with the juice of one lemon and two tablespoons of honey and drink this mixture in four sips throughout the day until improvement occurs.

Kleiner Odermennig:  A great plant that can soften the voice and clear the throat. We can drink it as an extract or tea, or use it to gargle.

Licorice:  This root helps us cough up and relieve inflammation in the airways. We can drink the liquorice as tea (it has to cook for a long time because the root is very thick) or as natural tablets that we can find in the herb shop.

Licorice root is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Licorice root

Stretching the vocal cords

An interesting exercise for the vocal cords that can have a positive effect on inflammation : Hold your tongue with a clean cloth, pull it gently and move it in all directions for a few seconds.

Repeat the exercise two or three times. While the exercise may feel a little strange, you will surely feel better soon.


The following homeopathic remedies will help increase the effects of the natural remedies.

  • If you’ve put a lot of strain on your voice:  Argentum Metallicum o Rhus Tox
  • For those who have lost their voice after screaming or shouting: Arnica
  • If you suffer from pain: Causticum
  • After being in cold air and with changes in tone when speaking:  Arum Triphillum
  • Hoarseness caused by cold or damp:  dulcamara
  • Hoarseness caused by cold: Causticum
  • Hoarseness from nervousness:  Geslenium

When we have chosen the ideal remedy for our needs, we simply let three pellets dissolve under the tongue. 

Under no circumstances should they be taken at the same time as food, drinks or products containing methol with an intense taste, as homeopathic remedies would otherwise lose their effect.

We also recommend that you consult a doctor or alternative practitioner before starting any natural treatment.

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