Healthy Blood Circulation In The Legs Through Proper Nutrition

Reduced salt consumption and some healthy dietary habits are crucial for healthy blood circulation in the legs.

Healthy blood circulation in the legs through proper nutrition

A healthy blood flow to the legs is important for the general well-being. According to one study, nearly 30% of all adults suffer from chronic venous insufficiency, a condition that gets worse in the summer.

Fatigue and heaviness in the legs are among the main symptoms of this disease, which is characterized by dilated veins in the legs.

The blood accumulates in these enlarged vessels and water is retained in the tissue in the area of ​​the calves and ankles. This sometimes very painful condition is part of everyday life for many women.

The basic problem is poor blood circulation in the legs, a condition that is partly genetic, but is made worse by an appropriate lifestyle; Long periods of sitting that are not compensated for by adequate exercise and an unbalanced diet.

When the veins in the legs lose their elasticity, the venous valves can no longer close properly and the blood backlogs painfully. This is how varicose veins develop .

Can we achieve healthy blood circulation in the legs to get relief in this situation? Yes, you can, try it! Changing your diet in combination with regular exercise is the key to success.

Make sure that the following foods have a permanent place in your menu if you want to improve your quality of life.

1. Foods that are high in vitamin C.

Vitamin C for healthy blood circulation

Our diet often contains very little vitamin C, a vitamin deficiency that cannot be compensated for by consuming fruit juices from the supermarket. It is always better to buy fresh fruit.

Ideally from organic farming to ensure a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, which in turn stimulate blood circulation in the legs. There is a lot of it in the fruit!

Oranges, lemons and papayas are very rich in vitamin C and this vitamin helps us in the following ways:

  • Strengthening capillaries and veins.
  • Reduction of the accumulation of fats in the blood, lowering of cholesterol.
  • Promote blood circulation while lowering high blood pressure.
  • Cleansing the body from toxins. This avoids water retention in the tissue.
  • Strengthening the immune system.

    2. ginger

    Ginger for healthy blood circulation

    This wonderful root has a long tradition in natural medicine. Even if you may already have gone through various medical and drug treatments to stimulate blood circulation in your legs, regular consumption of ginger is highly recommended.

    You will feel the resulting improvements. In no case should you replace your medication with ginger, but rather complement your ongoing therapy. We explain why:

    • Ginger is a natural pain reliever. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Ginger is an excellent food for improving healthy blood circulation.
    • It should always be consumed fresh in order to benefit from its health-promoting effects.
    • Ginger helps you to better absorb oxygen and important nutrients and increases the elasticity of veins and arteries.

    3. Pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds for healthy blood circulation

    The pumpkin seeds should never be thrown away. Often we are not even aware of the great benefits we can get from such small things.

    Pumpkin seeds natural vitamin E are sources. This vitamin protects the various tissues of our body and promotes the elasticity of arteries and veins.

    Pumpkin seeds also promote healthy blood circulation in the legs and help prevent blood clots. Therefore, you should eat them as often as you can.

    4. A clove of garlic on an empty stomach with a glass of water

    Garlic for healthy blood circulation


    A great medicinal plant! If you haven’t discovered garlic yet, start adding it to your diet now. Consuming a clove of garlic and a glass of water on an empty stomach helps cleanse the blood and prevents plaques from building up in the vessels.

    In this way, not only the healthy blood circulation in the legs, but also the entire cardiovascular system is supported. Also, remember: garlic is the best natural antibiotic you can find!

    5. Melon for healthy blood circulation

    Melon for healthy blood circulation

    Melon is refreshing, diuretic and rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that is also found in tomatoes and that stimulates blood circulation in the extremities, including the legs.

    Regular consumption of melon prevents water retention in the tissue and inflammation and can thus reduce varicose veins somewhat and prevent blood clots from forming.

    6. Turmeric

    Turmeric for healthy blood circulation

    Turmeric, also known as turmeric, is a medicinal spice that has long since found its place in oriental cuisine and is also gradually gaining popularity in the western world.

    Turmeric is used as a coloring agent in various dishes, for example, but due to its taste it can even be used as a substitute for salt in a low-salt diet.

    Regardless of its use in the kitchen, many scientific studies attribute an extraordinary effect on our health to this spice :

    • Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties.
    • Turmeric reduces the viscosity of the blood, so it increases its ability to flow.
    • This spice is well suited to relieve pain and the feeling of heaviness or pressure in the legs.

    Remember that you can also achieve healthy blood circulation by following a low-salt diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly.

    Small changes in your daily habits can make a decisive contribution to improving the quality of your life. Get started today!

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