Hardening Of The Arteries From Cholesterol? 5 Home Remedies

With these home remedies you can effectively rid your arteries of cholesterol, but we still recommend that you do additional exercise and generally follow a healthy diet to promote your arterial health! 

Hardening of the arteries due to cholesterol?  5 home remedies

Has your doctor warned you about  hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol  because your cholesterol level is too high?

Many people suffer from high cholesterol levels because manufactured foods contain many ingredients that can cause it.

In addition, the lifestyle often leaves a  lot to be desired. Sedentary lifestyle is a common evil that does no good for your health.

If you have high cholesterol, various home remedies can be very helpful in preventing cholesterol hardening of the  arteries. 

If your doctor has prescribed medication for you, these home remedies can be used supportively.

If the levels exceed 200 mg / dl, you should take it seriously. It is entirely up to you to prevent serious consequences.

If the high cholesterol level becomes chronic, there are serious health risks : Heart attack, angina pectoris, hardening of the arteries or heart disease can be the consequences.

It is therefore important to change certain lifestyle habits in good time:  Decide on a low-fat diet and sufficient exercise! 

Choose sporting activities that you enjoy and are suitable for you: Running, for example, has many advantages, but if you find this type of movement boring or you are not suitable for it, you will stop again after a short time.

That is why it is so important  that you enjoy exercising and that you are consistent with it! If exercise in general doesn’t appeal to you, try different options until you find one that you enjoy.

Prevent hardening of the arteries from cholesterol

1. Oat milk

Prevent hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol with oatmeal

Oats are high in fiber and very useful  for flushing out the cholesterol in the arteries. 


  • 1 cup of oatmeal (200 g)
  • 12 cups of water (3 liters)
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • Put the oat flakes with a little water in the blender and process well.
  • Put the rest of the water and the mixture with the oatmeal in a saucepan and heat.
  • Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes, then remove it from the heat.
  • Now add the cinnamon and let the drink steep for a while.
  • Pour through a sieve before drinking.


  • You can keep the drink in the refrigerator and drink  up to 1 liter of it during the day. 

    2. Cabbage broth

    With this home remedy , too  , the fiber it contains is crucial. The preparation is very simple.


    • ½ head of cabbage
    • 12 cups of water (3 liters)


    • 1 glass bottle


    • Bring the water to a boil and add the cabbage.
    • Let the vegetables cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
    • Then remove from the heat, pour through a sieve and pour the liquid into a glass bottle.
    • Keep these in the refrigerator to drink the drink cold.


    • This drink is also drunk during the day. We recommend up to 1 liter of it daily.

    3. Artichoke water

    Artichoke against hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol


    • 8 cups of water (2 liters)
    • 2 artichokes


    • Bring the water to a boil, add the cleaned artichokes and simmer for 15 minutes.
    • After that, pour through a sieve and keep the drink in the refrigerator.


    • Drink the artichoke water throughout the day, but it shouldn’t be more than 1 liter.

    4. Olive oil against hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol

    Healthy fatty acids like omega 3 help reduce  bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). 

    • Olive oil is best taken in its natural form, because  heating it up loses its beneficial properties. The heat destroys the molecular structure, which is unhealthy.
    • Don’t forget to include avocado and cold water fish (salmon, tuna …) in your diet, which also contain valuable fatty acids.

      5. Smoothie with carrots and spinach

      Smoothie with carrots and spinach against hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol


      • 3 carrots
      • 2 spinach leaves


      • Cut the carrots into small pieces.
      • Chop the spinach leaves.
      • Process everything well in the stand mixer or blender. If the smoothie is very thick, you can add a little water until the drink gets the texture you want .


      • Drink this smoothie after every main meal. The  fiber in the vegetables is very effective in clearing the arteries of cholesterol. 

      It is very easy to use these home remedies to lower your cholesterol levels. However, don’t forget to  introduce the life changes mentioned to keep yourself healthy! 

      You should be realistic : If, for example, you decide to go running after a long period of inactivity, start slowly and set yourself small daily goals.

      Over time, you should plan 1 hour a day for your sporting activities.

      You should also change your food slowly. Start by eliminating fatty foods from your eating plan. This is how you can lower your cholesterol level and do a lot of good for your health! 

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