Good Communication In Your Partnership: 7 Tips

If you want to build a close bond with your partner, you should be yourself and not hide your feelings. Mutual trust and good communication are two important aspects.

Good communication in your partnership: 7 tips

Many people associate “good communication” with just conversations. But if you want to achieve good communication and build a lasting and deep bond with your partner, then it takes a lot more than just talking to each other. There are many different ways you can show your partner your feelings and confide in them.

To build and maintain a healthy basis for a long-term and happy partnership, it is essential that both partners are honest with each other, learn to accept each other with all their peculiarities and weaknesses and of course that you have a good relationship with each other.

In today’s article we have seven tips for you on how you can successfully establish good communication over the long term .

1. Be yourself and have no secrets

In every relationship there are occasional little secrets. If you want to surprise your partner for a birthday or anniversary, for example, then of course you don’t want to tell him in advance. That is absolutely understandable and is in the nature of things.

Such little attentions enliven relationships and add a little zest to everyday life. However, you should keep in mind that for good communication in a relationship it is not recommended to keep a secret about your past and your life from that relationship .

Perhaps you suffered injuries in a previous relationship or in your childhood that still hurt you to this day. Even if you find it difficult to talk about it, you should tell your life partner about these experiences and impressions.

Openly say that it is difficult for you to talk about this topic and you will surely gain the necessary understanding.

You should also be prepared for your partner to ask you questions in order to understand you even better.

That should be normal in a healthy relationship. Because if someone is really interested in you and your life, then the need to participate in the life of the other is automatically there. And ultimately, your experiences and your impressions may also influence your partnership.

Therefore, it is very important that you talk openly with one another.

2. Pay attention to your tone of voice

good communication - voice

A great many disputes escalate not because of the issues that are being raised, but because of the way in which it is done: your tone of voice, your volume and your voice.

If you want to avoid situations like this, you should be careful about how you address issues. Good communication and a calm attitude can certainly be learned.

Basically, there is no need at all for you to raise your voice and get loud. We usually start screaming when we really want to be heard or when we think we must be right in any case.

However, you should keep in mind that your partner will certainly not find this behavior pleasant. Also, if you just yell down and ignore his words, his willingness to really listen to you will be greatly reduced.

Strength lies in calm “, a well-known saying which is still very applicable to good communication.

3. Pay attention to your choice of words in text messages

Your choice of words in text messages is also conducive to good communication with your partner. You will probably share events and experiences with text messages or voice messages during the day. This is completely normal these days.

However, you should always consider how exactly you are composing the messages. Similar to the tone of your voice, the choice of words in your messages is similar.

Always remember that it can easily happen that you make just one rash statement that could lead to an argument about it.

The reason for this is probably that your partner didn’t read what you wanted to express, either because they misunderstood it or because you did not express it clearly enough.

So be very careful if you want to address sensitive topics via text messages. Always try to write as clearly and unambiguously as possible to avoid misunderstandings.

4. Good communication: talk about problems and learn to forgive yourself

good communication - discussion

If your partner made a mistake or behaved incorrectly, it is important to try to talk to him / her about it. Your goal should be to understand why this could happen. And this will make it easier for you to forgive him / her.

That sounds easier than it actually is. Not because you not only have to be willing to forgive your partner, but also need the willingness to work on yourself.

Try to explain as objectively as possible which behavior specifically bothers you about your partner or has disturbed you. As soon as you have agreed on what is the cause of this, you can start working together and agreeing on a solution for this topic.

So you can work on and solve different topics together over time. This approach then leads to good communication and mutual understanding growing in your relationship.

5. Show yourself from your vulnerable side

Another very good approach to communicate even better with your partner and to open up to him is to show your vulnerable side from time to time. Especially when you are talking about feelings that you usually keep to yourself.

Nobody finds that very pleasant. Almost all of us are afraid to speak out and admit our own fears, frustrations and trauma.

This is because it is generally considered a weakness to have such sensations and feelings. But they are still part of our human existence, which is unfortunately all too often negated in today’s world.

Therefore, it is very important that you can at least open up to your partner, so you can support and strengthen each other.

If you want to have a long and intense partnership with someone, then it is absolutely necessary that the partner gets to know and understand your sad and hidden sides. This is the only way you can really get involved with each other.

6. Good communication through physical contact

good communication - quarrel

If your partner is having trouble expressing their feelings and thoughts and putting them into words, then you can give them a little support.

In difficult situations it can be very beneficial if you just take him in your arm and make him feel that you are there for him. This will make your partner feel secure and understood and will gradually be able to relax and open up.

And sometimes it’s best if you just listen quietly and carefully. When the partner has let off all the frustration and steam, he is usually better again. Because often we don’t need any smart advice at all, just an understanding ear.

7. One key to good communication: don’t make assumptions

The seventh tip is one of the most important if you want to build really good communication with your partner.

In any case, do not make assumptions about what your partner is going to say or do. If you imagine that you already know what is about to happen or what is about to be said, then you are trapped in your own expectations.

This means that you are no longer free and unbiased in your head. In addition, this attitude inhibits any creativity and flexibility.

Furthermore, most assumptions are not based on fact, but simply correspond to your own expectations.

If you fall into this trap, you can end up jeopardizing your partnership. You are also in the way of both your partner and yourself.

Even if your partner has always had a certain habit, you should always meet him openly and give him the chance to change and develop.

Do you see a need for action in your partnership? Or do you already have good communication in your relationship and want to share your positive experiences with others?

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