Ginger As A Remedy

To treat nasal congestion, you can make a tea from a teaspoon of Inger, 200 ml of water and the juice of half a lemon.

Ginger as a remedy

Ginger as a home remedy. It is a root from the east that is now mainly planted in China. In India it should not be missing from any meal. This root has numerous beneficial properties for health.

You can  enjoy ginger fresh, use it in tea or make ginger biscuits. Learn what it’s good for in the following article. 

Data on ginger

The scientific name of this root is  Zingiber Officinale, it grows in hot areas, especially in southern Asia. The plant is evergreen and almost two meters tall. Its stem and leaves are reddish in color, the flowers are white.

This root was already consumed by the ancient Romans. Marco Polo was also looking for ginger on his travels. Even if it is said that the best comes from China as well as India, today Jamaica provides the best roots.


Ginger has a pungent taste and its strong, unique aroma makes this root a powerful food. It should always be consumed in small amounts and in combination with other foods.

It provides us with vitamins, minerals, essential oils, antioxidants and amino acids. All of these active ingredients are essential for our body.

To benefit from the positive properties, you can make teas and juices or use the root for various dishes, such as desserts or stews.

It can be bought fresh, in powder or tablet form, as a syrup or dried. Note that ginger has a warming effect. For this reason, you shouldn’t consume it if you have a fever.

What is it good for? External application

Ginger helps us with all kinds of intestinal and stomach ailments. It stimulates the pancreas and also increases the production of digestive enzymes.

In this way you can also prevent symptoms such as acid belching and a feeling of fullness. It also has an antibacterial effect and helps with intestinal problems caused by altered intestinal flora.


Ginger has also been found to help with nausea, which can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Travel sickness : If you want to avoid these annoying complaints, then it is advisable that you consume it three hours before driving in the car, bus, plane, ship, etc. Ginger helps prevent nausea caused by movement (also known as kinetosis). If you have a long journey ahead of you, experts recommend that you eat ginger half an hour before the journey and then again halfway. For example, you can take ginger in the form of tea. Use the dried root (available in natural health stores). Another variant is to take it with fruits.
  • For chemotherapy:  Cancer patients often take ginger to relieve nausea after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. But you should be careful  not to take it on an empty stomach.

Other uses

  • Pregnancy : Pregnant women can take ginger for the first few months to naturally stop nausea. To do this, make tea from half a spoon of the dried root and a cup of hot water. Then drink this tea several times a day. This treatment should not last longer than two months.
  • During surgery:  This root helps reduce the side effects of some drugs used in surgery. Ginger should be taken one day before the operation, but discuss this beforehand with your doctor.

Thanks to its antibacterial effect, it also helps prevent ulcers. The root helps regulate gastric fluids.

Ginger plant

Ginger also helps with respiratory problems, such as flu, fever or nasal congestion. Make yourself a ginger tea (1 spoon per cup).

If you want to increase the effect, add the juice of half a lemon. This mixture also works wonders for sinusitis.

What is it good for? Internal application

It helps with pain or swelling:

  • Osteoarthritis : Make a tea from a handful of fresh ginger. Put the ginger in a quart of boiling water. Then let the tea cool down and put a compress with the ginger water on the painful joint for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the process every six hours. You can also rub ginger essential oil mixed with almond oil on the affected area.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome : It is best to use a ginger wrap directly on the affected area.
  • Wisdom teeth : A ginger tea can help relieve pain caused by wisdom teeth. Alternatively, you can chew on a small piece.

The ginger root can also help with bad breath. This technique comes from the east. After eating, you put a small piece of ginger with a little vinegar in your mouth and chew it well.

This stimulates the production of saliva. Chewing is therefore recommended even if the mouth is dry.


It also has aphrodisiac properties and improves libido. Essential oil from ginger increases our body temperature and has a stimulating effect due to the intense taste.

Other benefits of ginger

  • Reduces menstrual pain in women
  • Improves blood circulation and thus prevents diseases
  • Acts like a natural antidepressant
  • Reduces body stress
  • Prevents the cells from aging prematurely
  • Relieves migraine pain
  • Prevents cancer in the ovaries and intestine before

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