Four Health Benefits Of Red Lentils

Have you ever eaten red lentils? If not, you’ll want to try them after reading about their benefits in this article!

Four health benefits of red lentils

There are many delicious red lentil  recipes out there, and they’re also very healthy. We therefore recommend that you incorporate them into your eating plan on a regular basis. Learn more about the various health benefits of red lentils today .

The health benefits of red lentils

Red lentils are high in iron, fiber, selenium, zinc, carbohydrates, protein and vitamin B1. They are also an excellent source of phosphorus, manganese, and folic acid.

These lentils are low in fat and only have 360 ​​calories per 100 grams.

1. Excellent during pregnancy

A pregnant woman is holding a plate of groceries.

If you’re pregnant, you’ll love to learn more about the beneficial properties of red lentils.

Thanks to their iron content, they help prevent anemia during pregnancy. Many women have to take iron supplements and of course you are not allowed to stop them on your own. Always seek advice from your doctor! But you can also incorporate lentils into your diet.

  • The fiber that this legume contains helps promote healthy bowel movement and prevents constipation, a problem that is common during pregnancy. If you eat lentils regularly, you won’t need laxatives.
  • Last but not least, the folic acid content also helps prevent defects or malformations in the nervous system of the fetus and reduce the likelihood of premature birth.

    2. Red lentils improve digestion

    A woman holds both hands on her stomach.

    Another positive quality of red lentils is that they are high in starch, which helps improve digestion. They also make you feel full without you having to eat that much.

    Since they have no shell, they are easier to digest than ordinary lentils. In addition, their consumption is very suitable for people with intestinal and stomach problems, slow digestion and flatulence.

    As mentioned earlier, red lentils contain important fiber and therefore work against constipation. It is recommended that you eat a cup of cooked red lentils at least once a week.

    3. They help prevent cancer

    Two wooden spoons filled with red lentils.

    One of the best things about red lentils is that, thanks to their high fiber composition, they keep the intestinal tract healthy and rid the body of carcinogens that can settle in the digestive tract. That way, your body won’t take them in.

    On the other hand , eating this food also protects against breast and prostate cancer as it regulates estrogen and testosterone levels.

    4. Red lenses improve your thinking skills

    The carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and minerals in red lentils are essential for proper nutrient delivery to the nerves and brain.

    Hence, it is advisable to eat this food if you have recently had memory problems or any other type of problem related to your mental performance.

    In addition, these red lentil properties are useful for growing children, young people who are studying, and people who are under a lot of stress and tension.

    The preparation of red lentils

    There is a plate of lentil soup on a table.

    One of the advantages of red lentils is their very short preparation time. They don’t need to be soaked first, so they’re quicker to cook than traditional lentils.

    To cook a serving of red lentils you will need:


    • 1 cup of red lentils (200 g)
    • 2 cups of water or broth (500 ml)


    • Rinse the red lentils under running water.
    • Put the broth and lentils in a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes.
    • Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    • When cooked, the lentils typically vary slightly in color and become lighter.
    • As soon as they are cooked, you can eat them straight or use them to prepare a cream soup or salads.

    Protein-rich salad with red lentils

    A bowl filled with red lentil salad.

    We have a delicious recipe for you that provides healthy fats and proteins:


    • 1 cup cooked red lentils (200 g)
    • 1 marinated and grilled chicken breast
    • 1/2 ripe avocado
    • 1/2 cup cooked corn kernels (100 g)
    • Half a pitted cucumber
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (16 g)
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • Salt and pepper (to taste)


    • After grilling, cut the chicken into small pieces.
    • Cut the avocado and cucumber into small cubes.
    • Mix the lentils, chicken breast, avocado, corn and cucumber in a bowl.
    • Mix the olive oil and lemon juice to refine the salad.
    • Add a little salt and pepper.

    You can get creative yourself and vary the ingredients or prepare a different marinade. This salad also tastes delicious with fish. Good Appetite!

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