Food For Colon Cleansing

A healthy and varied diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, fiber and water is the best way to cleanse the colon .

Colon cleansing foods

The function of the intestine is to filter out those nutrients from food that are then absorbed by the body. The small intestine is between five and seven meters long and the large intestine is between one and one and a half meters. Our intestines often cause us complaints, including constipation, irritation and inflammation. For all of these problems there are some natural remedies that we will introduce below. They help us prevent and cure annoying diseases related to the intestines.

In order to achieve the desired result, we should first perform an intestinal detox. Debris accumulates in our intestines that can hinder normal passage. These accumulated toxins can irritate, inflame, and clog our intestines. After a cleansing and detoxification of the intestines, we only need a treatment once a week and a thorough colon cleanse once a year. With a healthy diet, we can accelerate the healing of our intestines.

Colon cleansing with everyday foods

The best means for a natural bowel cleansing is our food. The most effective are fruits, vegetables, fiber, and water. Animal foods are not one of these cleansing foods, but yogurt is also highly recommended as it helps to rebuild the intestinal flora.

fruits and vegetables

Fruits have the greatest number of vitamins that help us recharge our batteries, strengthen our immune system, and provide our bodies with fiber and antioxidants. However, we should be careful when choosing the fruits, it is best to avoid fruits that contain a lot of sugar, such as apples, citrus fruits and papaya, etc. In vegetables we find all the important minerals that bring the body into balance. The vegetables also provide a lot of fiber.

Sprouts, alfalfa, celery and most of the leafy vegetables are highly recommended. These vegetables are usually eaten slowly and chewed well to stimulate bowel movement.

Cereals, legumes and nuts


These foods are high in fiber and provide our bodies with enough iron. They also encourage bowel movements, so the intestine forms a kind of protection for the entire digestive system. In the long run, this can prevent intestinal diseases. If you eat cereals, make sure that you only combine them with low-fat dairy products.


The shell of the psyllium alga and the spirulina alga are ideal for flushing all toxins out of the intestines. Algae also form a gel that lubricates the stool. We therefore recommend that you consume algae occasionally, but not too often, otherwise constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, indolence, etc. will quickly result. Algae also help to cleanse the blood in the intestines.

Omega 3 fatty acids and extra virgin olive oil

We find omega 3 fatty acids mainly in avocados, olive oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil. They are excellent for cleaning our intestines. These valuable nutrients lubricate and nourish our intestines and also have the ability to convert insoluble fiber into easily digestible fiber.


Water is the best natural remedy for our intestinal health and for the whole organism. Water supplies the body with fluids, regulates body temperature and cleanses every single organ, including the intestines, of course.  Water is of great importance in the cleansing process of our body and in the healing of our intestines. If we get used to drinking a lot of water every day, we can rid our body of toxins and cleanse our intestines, in which residues may have settled for years.

A weekly colon cleanse schedule

To love our intestines, we should plan a day for this organ every week. On this day it is important that we drink plenty of water, eat plenty of well-washed whole fruits and raw vegetables. We should feed ourselves on these foods for 24 hours.

Recommended foods for the annual colon cleansing

In addition to our weekly colon cleansing, we should also schedule an annual cleanse. To do this, we should eat lots of whole fruits and lots of raw vegetables for a week. Green tea is also highly recommended, but always without sugar. You should also drink plenty of still and not too cold water.

As you can see, detoxing our body does not require a lot of extra effort or rare foods. We should just pay attention to a few small things, like consuming natural foods. This is how we can keep our intestines healthy and free of toxins.

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