Diet For Hyperthyroidism: What To Look For

Diet plays an important role in treating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. If you have this condition, you should know what adjustments to make in your diet. What should you watch out for? 

Hyperthyroidism Diet: What To Look For

What Characterizes Proper Diet For Hyperthyroidism ? What must it contain? Although the thyroid is only about two inches long, a malfunction can cause a variety of symptoms. Why is that? This small butterfly-shaped gland secretes hormones that directly affect almost all bodily functions.

If you have a thyroid change, you will need to adjust and change your diet to regulate its activity and avoid complications. In today’s article we will explain to you what hyperthyroidism is and which foods should be included in a diet for hyperthyroidism and which should be avoided.

What is hyperthyroidism?

The thyroid is a small gland , which is located on your neck. It produces various hormones, some of which are fundamental to your body. This is why the proper functioning of your thyroid is so important for your health, because these hormones affect almost all cells in your body. The functions of the thyroid include:

  • Regulation of the energy balance
  • Protein synthesis
  • Enzymatic activity
  • Regulation of body temperature

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the normal production of thyroid hormones is disrupted. The problem in this case is that, for various reasons, increased levels of T3 and T4 hormones are being secreted. This can lead to various conditions such as Graves’ disease, multinodular goiter, or toxic thyroid adenomas.

If hyperthyroidism is present, all body functions accelerate. As a result, a number of symptoms appear. Including the following:

  • Sudden weight loss
  • nervousness
  • sleep disorders
  • Tremble
  • Increased sweating
  • Palpitations

If you have a thyroid disorder such as hyperthyroidism, you should see a doctor or endocrinologist. They will prescribe the most suitable treatment for you .

Diet in hyperthyroidism - woman holds her neck
In hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland releases excessive hormones. Therefore, various functions of the body are changed.

Diet in hyperthyroidism

The experts at the British Thyroid Foundation emphasize that there is no diet protocol for thyroid disease. Still, it’s important that you eat a healthy and balanced diet to control symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Various nutrients play an important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland and also in the normal production of hormones. Although other foods like cruciferous vegetables or soy are also being studied, iodine and selenium are the two main components.

Taking care of them is very important because it means better health. Additionally, don’t forget that hyperthyroidism is a condition that you will have your entire life.

Therefore, according to the statement of specialist Oscar Vidal, you need to consider the following two aspects :

  • First of all, you should eat foods that help produce thyroid hormones, such as iodine.
  • In addition, you should include more antioxidant foods in your diet that allow healthy cells to regenerate. For example selenium.

How can you control the amount of iodine?

In a diet for hyperthyroidism, you will need to monitor iodine levels as it is involved in the production of thyroid hormones. Since iodine elimination is very difficult, controlled consumption is required.

The main sources of iodine in food are as follows:

  • Iodized salt
  • Marine animals such as saltwater fish, seafood or algae
  • Dairy products
  • egg yolk
  • Some cereals and grains

In addition, vegetables from the cruciferous family (such as broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts) should also be mentioned because they prevent the thyroid from absorbing iodine.

Diet in hyperthyroidism: selenium

Selenium is one of the nutrients that is particularly closely related to the thyroid. The study of scientific literature also confirms the specific role of this trace element in the function of the thyroid gland. Selenium is found in many body tissues, especially the thyroid. Here it occurs in the form of selenium proteins.

In addition, this protein has a very important antioxidant effect. Therefore, selenium has a protective effect on the thyroid. In addition, it also helps improve overall health.

Some specialists are discussing the use of selenium supplements in the treatment of Graves’ disease. However, this nutrient can also be taken in through the diet. You can find it in foods like salmon, whole grains, or eggs. However, Brazil nuts are undoubtedly the largest supplier of selenium.

Diet for hyperthyroidism - nuts

Foods like Brazil nuts contain a lot of selenium. Therefore, they are suitable for nutrition in hyperthyroidism.

Diet for hyperthyroidism: vitamin D.

As we mentioned earlier, thyroid hormones affect a large part of your cells and body functions. Including on your bones. If hyperthyroidism is not treated properly, it can weaken your bones.

In addition, it also stresses the British Thyroid Foundation ,  that low in patients with this disease vitamin D levels were observed. However, more research is needed to further investigate the causes and possible consequences.

Still, it is quite obvious that there is no disadvantage if you get enough vitamin D and follow positive habits that are good for your muscular and bone health. Some of these recommendations are as follows:

  • Exercise regularly and do activities that strengthen your muscles.
  • Ten minutes of sunbathing every day is also recommended. However, you should prefer to do this during the hours when the sun is not so strong to protect yourself from the harmful effects of intense sun rays.
  • In addition, you should consume foods rich in vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus to improve your bone health. You can find these minerals and vitamins in dairy products, blue fish, almonds, chickpeas, vegetables and seeds.

Good nutrition for hyperthyroidism is the basis of successful treatment

A malfunction of the thyroid hormones can cause hyperthyroidism. Although the treatment is mostly pharmacological or surgical, it is important to ensure that you are eating properly for hyperthyroidism.

If you eat a balanced and healthy diet and pay special attention to the foods that contain iodine and selenium, this is an important key to accompany the drug treatment and to improve your quality of life.

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