Dangerous Belly Fat In Women

Belly fat in women is not only unsightly, it also has a negative effect on health! 

Dangerous belly fat in women

Belly fat in women  is not only unsightly, it also has a negative effect on health! Bad lifestyle habits and poor diet often lead to belly fat, which can cause serious illness in the long run.

The number of women with type II diabetes and heart problems has risen sharply in recent years. Fat deposits in the abdominal area play an important role here.

Today, learn more about the effects of belly fat in women and what to do about it. 

Belly fat in women

From the age of 40, fat accumulates in women more and more in the abdominal area. The body experiences various changes such as a slowed metabolism, which makes it difficult to burn fat.

Less estrogens are also produced, which also leads to gradual weight gain.

When fat deposits build up on the abdomen,  internal organs are also affected. And that is exactly what can be dangerous. Because as a result, various serious diseases can develop:

  • Heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • Type II diabetes

The accumulation of fat under the diaphragm and on the chest wall makes it difficult to breathe. This leads to feelings of suffocation, the lungs suffer and one becomes sluggish. Sleep apnea can also be a result of this.

The accumulation of fat increases the risk of certain diseases considerably, including breast and uterine cancer.  Menstrual disorders can also occur.

You should therefore do something about belly fat!

How do I know if I have too much fat on my stomach?


The question sounds ironic because every woman is aware of when her body begins to change and when excess pounds begin to build up.  Because the clothes no longer fit and you get tired faster when you exert yourself.

However, doctors point out that the dimensions of the abdomen are important:

  • A woman’s waist should  not exceed 89 cm.
  • Men  should be no more than 102 cm at the waist  .

How can I reduce belly fat?

Reduce belly fat in women with sage tea

This is not an easy undertaking, but for the sake of your health, you should try it. Get help from a nutritionist or doctor!

In addition, we recommend that you put the following tips into practice:

  • Reducing the  salt intake.
  • Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  • Include whole grain products such as buckwheat or oats in your diet and avoid white flour.
  • Avoid sugar and industrial baked goods as much as possible.  You should also avoid finished products. Opt for a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It should also include cold water fish and lean poultry meat.
  • Every morning before breakfast, drink 1 glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice.
  • Drink a cup of sage tea after each meal. This medicinal plant promotes digestion and fat burning. Drink two cups of it every day for two weeks. Then you take a 10-day break and then start over.
  • Avoid cow’s milk as much as possible. You can eat plain yogurt to improve your intestinal flora. 
  • Prepare five smaller meals a day and don’t skip any of the meals. Breakfast and dinner are also very important if you want to lose weight (on the stomach). If you do without it, your metabolism slows down and fat is stored.

Belly fat in women can have serious consequences. You should therefore take care of yourself accordingly and adopt healthy habits. Sport is a must!

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