Cleansing Cure With Juices And Broths

You shouldn’t go hungry during cleansing, you can increase the amount of food you eat. Don’t forget to chew all of the food well and take enough time!

Cleansing cure with juices and broths

A cleansing regimen is recommended at least once a year, especially in autumn or spring. In this way, harmful substances can be excreted and the organs can function better.

In addition, premature aging and chronic diseases can be prevented and weight can be regulated. In this way, they ensure well-being and a better quality of life.

In this article you will learn more about a simple, natural method of cleansing the body that lasts for a week. To do this, fruit juices and vegetable broths are used, which bring many health benefits.

Preparation of the cleansing regimen

It is best to use seasonal fruits and vegetables for this regimen  When it’s cold, you should mainly eat vegetable broths, which have a warming effect. When it’s warm, refreshing fruit juices are ideal.

Both variants have a cleansing and remineralizing effect , if possible these should be combined.

It is ideal to make the juices or broths yourself with a juicer, but  if you don’t have one, you can find ready-made, organic juices and broths in health food stores.

Make sure these don’t hold sugar or other substances that could affect cleaning.

apple and carrot juice

What is an initial aggravation?

Before starting the cleansing regimen, you should know what an initial aggravation is.

If the organism is polluted with pollutants (as is the case with most people due to poor nutrition, bad habits, etc.),  symptoms  such as headaches, mucus discharge, diarrhea, etc.

A large amount of pollutants must be excreted. Symptoms of past as well as existing illnesses can also appear.

This is normal and is often a sign that the body is functioning properly. However, it is always advisable to take the cure  accompanied by a doctor or alternative practitioner,  especially if you suffer from an illness.

You should also seek advice from a doctor if you are taking medication.

The first and the last day

Since many people’s diet is not necessarily healthy and in order to avoid an initial aggravation, it is important to use the first and last days to prepare for the cure. This simply means that you can eat healthily on these days  without taking the following products: 

  • Red meat
  • Fried
  • sugar
  • Bread, pastries, cookies or the like

Only eat the following foods: 

  • Salads with dried fruits
  • Soups, gazpacho (cold Spanish vegetable soup), vegetable cream soups
  • easily digestible legumes: peas or lentils
  • Apples, pears, pineapples, papaya or avocado
  • Whole grain rice or millet


Cleansing cure

The cleansing treatment with fruit juices and vegetable broths is  carried out from the second to the sixth day, for a total of five days.  Proceed as follows:

It is not necessary to use all of the ingredients. Choose local seasonal fruits and vegetables.

  1. On an empty stomach:  two glasses of hot water with the juice of half a lemon, a spoon of flaxseed
  2. Breakfast:  juice made from apples, pears, carrots, pineapple and ginger. Three prunes.
  3. Food:  juice from cabbage, beetroot, apple and carrots. Cooked whole grain rice with kombu seaweed.
  4. Snack:  juice from cabbage, beetroot, apple and carrots. A baked apple with cinnamon and a handful of dried fruits.
  5. Dinner:  broth made from cabbage, carrots, onion, garlic, leek, pumpkin, artichokes. You can optionally add organic seaweed, a little sea salt, cayenne pepper and a spoonful of flaxseed. To do this, you can eat a hard-boiled egg or lentils.


A few Tipps

  • The point of this cleansing regimen  is not to make sacrifices and to suffer from hunger. When you are hungry, you can  eat more of these foods.  Chew well and eat in peace.
  • You can also take cleansing teas (dandelion, milk thistle, horsetail) during the day and  sweeten them  with a little honey, cane sugar and stevia.
  • It is very important to empty the bowel so that the cleansing regimen has the desired effect. If this is not possible despite flaxseed, we recommend that you do an enema with lukewarm water every day.
  • During cleaning, you should avoid strenuous work as well as physical exertion and stressful situations. Choose a quiet week  and during this time do gentle stretching and breathing exercises and go for a walk.
    Images provided by Will Merydith, samuel gardiner, Breville USA and hepp


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