Chronic Victim Attitude: Reasons And Characteristics

Often people who show a chronic victim attitude have adopted this role as a way of life. They don’t realize that they are adopting this attitude in order to get what they want.

Chronic victim attitude: reasons and characteristics

There are many reasons for being  chronically victimized. Nevertheless, all of them point to characteristics that the affected people have in common.

These people are characterized by a lack of self-confidence and are heavily dependent on the help of others. In addition, along with numerous other characteristics, they often show an inability to solve their problems themselves and to acknowledge their mistakes.

The victim attitude is seen as a possible symptom of a mental illness, as it can occur with great intensity in the life of the person concerned.

In addition, it has a very strong influence not only on the way of life of those who suffer from it, but also that of those around them.

At some point in our lives we all experience really difficult moments when we suddenly find ourselves victims. It could either be because someone tried to harm us. Or maybe because we made bad decisions that got ourselves into such a situation.

What helps us become a better person every day is a good attitude. With this we manage to overcome such moments and move on with our lives.

Unfortunately, not all people have the ability to move on and to grow beyond themselves. On the contrary, many sink into a sea of ​​negativity and remain stuck in the self-made “victim role” for the rest of their lives.

What are the people who are chronically victimized like?

Chronic victim attitude - girl comforts girlfriend

It’s pretty easy to spot those affected. Just watch out for facial expressions and poor posture when walking. They also tend to speak in a pessimistic tone.

  • They also tend to regard everything that happens to them as a kind of curse. Or they blame the other for it.
  • In this way, they take their chronic victimism so extreme that they drive away the people around them.
  • They also often harbor resentment or envy. In addition, they reject any kind of possible personal responsibility for their tragedies.

In the following, we will introduce you to some of the most important characteristics of people who are chronically victimized.

1. You accuse others of not helping them

Most of the time, they get frustrated when they don’t get help from others. They doubt their own abilities and feel unable to solve their problems on their own .

On top of that, they usually make quite a drama out of it.

2. You subconsciously manipulate the facts

Chronic victim attitude - couple problems

No matter what the real story behind their problems, they always find a way to distort the facts so that the blame lies only with others, not themselves.

Ultimately, then, it means that they are manipulating the facts unconsciously. Since they see themselves as victims, this process is something they take for granted.

3. You show a limited capacity for self-criticism

Even if people with chronic victimization are not able to really recognize their good qualities, they can still question their actions self-critically.

However, it may be that they only want to show that the others are to blame for their misfortune.

When you see yourself as a victim, your ability to be self-critical becomes much more limited.

In the end, it can be said that the self-chosen victim role significantly limits the ability to self-criticize.

4. You only think about bad luck and bad things

Chronic victim attitude - envy

Those affected have the image of themselves only to have been born to suffer. They also think that the future has nothing good in store for them.

In fact, it is precisely when they feel good talking about it to other people. All of this ultimately leads to a distorted view of reality.

5. You manipulate unconsciously

There are times when they resort to blackmail as the only way to get all the help they can, and when they want it.

In order to achieve this, they manipulate the people around them by always appearing in the role of victim. In this way they manage to make their fellow human beings feel guilty for the misfortune or bad luck they have experienced and to give them the help they want.

6. A problem that can drag on forever

Young woman is chronically victimized

The chronic victim attitude is a problem that gets worse over time. This is because those affected get used to their tragedies and complaints and take them for granted.

The possible cause for this can be related to the fact that one tries to cope with difficult situations with a lot of effort and exertion, but fails – often repeatedly – in the process.

This leads to a state of despair and frustration where everything becomes an emotional burden.

This boils down to people taking these types of situations for granted or thinking they deserve the bad luck they experienced. In this way they themselves become the cause of their own unhappiness in life without being able to find a way out.

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