A Strong Hug Puts Broken Pieces Back Together Again

In order for our hug to become an expression of our feelings, we must first learn to hug ourselves. Hugs help reduce stress and increase self-esteem

A strong hug brings broken pieces back together

There are people whose embrace is so strong that at first we get the feeling that they are breaking us. However, a  big hug can do a lot for us.

Some hugs, some handshakes let us feel that we are on the same wavelength with the other person, with our body and our mind.

There are also big hugs that do not solve any problems, but still give us comfort. The fact that someone wants to be close to us, takes us in their arms to make us feel good, can even lead to what is broken inside being put back together again.

The loneliness is leaving us, fears are overcome and we feel like we are happy.

Nevertheless, and although it seems almost unbelievable, there are people who don’t like big hugs. They feel uncomfortable in a hug, their personal distance seems to have fallen short.

We all, including those who don’t admit it, need a hug every now and then in life.


Hundreds of hugs are waiting for us

A little hug is able to dry a lot of tears, a little word full of love can fill us with happiness and a little smile may change our world. All these little things make up our world and fill it with happiness and love …

We couldn’t write a book about the different types of hugs because we could never finish it. There are as many different hugs as there are people on earth, situations and relationships with one another. Nevertheless, we try our hand at the little ABC of the hug:

The bear’s hug

One person approaches the other and lovingly presses them against their own body. This type of hug conveys sincere support and affection.

The hug A

This is a formal hug, but it is no less meaningful. The person is hugged lightly and the chin is briefly supported on the other’s shoulder.

The sandwich hug

A hug like this takes three people, so it is often found in a family environment. Such hugs are completely free of coercion and are given unconditionally.

The boisterous hug

This hug arises from a sudden desire to hug someone in order to congratulate them and show them affection.

The warm hug

In such a hug , you give yourself completely to the other person, with your arms clasping their back and shoulders. This hug is particularly common between partners.

The side hug

The opportunity arises for this, for example, when taking a walk or in other situations that you share with another person. We wait and expect together. It expresses the desire to be with the other person.

The hug from the back

This is also a devoted, but far more romantic, hug. One of the two partners approaches the other from behind and takes him in his arms. We just have to recall those scenes from Titanic to feel their passion.

The big hug in the group

Togetherness and unconditional mutual support are symbolized in this type of hug. Each member of the group then emerges stronger from it.

Every type of hug has a healing effect, every hug helps to strengthen our psychological well-being and to develop further emotionally.

It’s that simple, with this simple gesture we can convey feelings that are not always visible, but cannot be bought with any money in the world.


Can we do that – hug?

In order to know how to hug, we only need a soul that is laden with feelings and a body that we can then unite with that of the other person.

In order for a hug to express all that we want to say with it, it is best to practice something on ourselves.

The following questions now arise: Have you already hugged? Have you donated warmth? Or consolation? Self-hugs are important for our mind and then help communicate what we want in social circles.

A heartfelt, honest hug for ourselves strengthens the belief in oneself and gives strength. Shields and armor can be taken off, love for ourselves makes us strong enough.

When you hug you love yourself. If you love yourself, you know yourself. And when you know yourself, you can build yourself up again. The feeling of being caught in the arms releases emotions and allows us to focus on the good in life.

The healing properties of the hug

Thanks to the hugs we appreciate our right to be, to try, to realize ourselves, to need, to touch, to be healthy and happy, to create, to be free, to make friends and to love.

It is not an easy task to name all the positive effects of a hug, there are so many … In general, the following effects are attributed to hugs:

  • Reduction of stress.
  • Conveying a feeling of protection and security.
  • Strengthening self-esteem.
  • Transfer of power and energy.
  • Improve interpersonal relationships.
  • Conveying a feeling of inner calm.

A hug, a caress for the soul

Hugging means strengthening the roots of affection. A large part of our most beautiful memories include a big hug, as they gave us happiness, love or consolation in that moment.

Hugging someone is a great way of loving and then caressing the other person’s soul.

A big hug is often the best therapy. After a hug you feel like newborn, you are happy to deserve the love you have conveyed. Each hug speaks its own language and in a short amount of time so much more can be expressed than with words.

The merging of our body with that of the other person fills us with joy and happiness, conveys peace and relaxes us immensely.

Hugs are a source of empathic communication, we can trust that through them we understand the feelings of ourselves and those of others, they convey support and love.

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