Why You Should Avoid Processed Foods

Excessive consumption of processed foods can lead to inflammation and excess toxins in the body. Therefore, you should definitely avoid it in order to prevent chronic diseases.

Why you should avoid processed foods

The food industry makes processed foods  palatable to us  . You can also save yourself a lot of time with it, which is quite practical in our hectic everyday life.

However, today’s article is about  why you should avoid processed foods

They look appetizing and everyone knows them from advertising. Don’t forget, however, that processed foods contain preservatives and other  harmful chemicals that can  negatively affect your health.

In addition, they usually contain a lot of salt and sugar and therefore damage your figure!

Read on to learn more about this topic.

Processed foods: what dangers do they hide?

Industrially produced foods go through various processes in  order to achieve the perfect taste, the right consistency and an appetizing result. 

Avoid canned processed foods

They’re perfect for a quick meal,  but don’t forget that they contain harmful substances that are not good for your health!

1. They are addicting

The food industry has a wide variety of strategies ready to increase its sales. This also includes additives that are addictive to the consumer and therefore “force” them to buy these products again and again. 

Processed foods stimulate dopamine production. It is a biogenic amine that increases well-being, even if it does not absorb nutrients.

2. They lead to obesity

Obesity is one of the most common problems in our modern society. In many cases, genetic factors are responsible for this. But processed food consumption and unhealthy eating habits also play an important role. 

Because they’re full of sugar, saturated fats, and simple carbohydrates, avoid processed foods.

They also contain chemical additives like monosodium glutamate and corn syrup, both of which have been associated with overweight and obesity.

3. They affect the pH of the body

One of the greatest dangers of processed foods is the unhealthy combination of ingredients. As a result, the nutrients are not used properly by the body,  which leads to over-acidification of the blood.

You should avoid processed foods as they can acidify the body

As they unbalance the body’s pH, toxins build up in the blood  which can trigger inflammatory diseases. This also has a negative impact on the metabolism. This can lead to weight gain.

4. They change the intestinal flora

The excess acid in these products also changes the activity of healthy microorganisms in the intestine. This leads to an increased susceptibility to digestive problems and infections.

5. They cause depression and irritability

While organic foods promote emotional wellbeing, processed foods have negative effects on mood. Regular consumption has been linked to depression, restlessness and irritability.

6. You increase the risk of chronic diseases

Sausages and refined foods release inflammatory substances in the blood that can cause chronic inflammation.

Since they promote cell damage, they can lead to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer.

7. They affect cardiovascular health

Processed foods can have dire effects on the cardiovascular system. Even if many ignore this, these products are a “cocktail” of substances that can damage cardiovascular health.

You should avoid processed foods to prevent disease

Most processed foods contain saturated fats and too much sodium. These two ingredients cause symptoms such as high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia.

Eating convenience foods regularly can lead to atherosclerosis or a heart attack.

8. They make us age prematurely

The chemical ingredients found in processed foods are recognized as toxins in the body. Thanks to the excretory organs, many of them are excreted in sweat or urine.

However, if too many pollutants accumulate in the organism,  this can  impair cell functions and accelerate the aging process.

The most common processed foods

As mentioned earlier, there are ready-made products in abundance in the supermarket. Even so, you should avoid them as much as possible. 

Here is a small selection of processed foods:

  • Sausages and smoked meats
  • Cereals
  • Industrial bread and baked goods
  • Canned products
  • Ready-made sauces and dressings
  • Soft drinks
  • Salty snacks and chips
  • Popcorn

Maintain your health by eating fresh, organic foods! When you cook yourself, you know exactly what ingredients you are using. That has many advantages!

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