Reasons And Natural Remedies For Knee Pain

Knee pain can have different causes and vary greatly in intensity. In this post, you will learn about the most common reasons and different home remedies to relieve pain.

Reasons and Natural Remedies for Knee Pain

The knee joints enable us to climb stairs, to walk, to run … our knee joints are stressed with almost every movement. Therefore, knee pain or other complaints (inflammation, wear and tear, etc.) can easily occur. The reasons for this can be very different. In this article, we will therefore introduce you to various causes and remedies for knee pain.

Knee pain can occur at any age. Reasons can be ligament overstretching or an initial arthritis. The complaints can severely limit our everyday activities and quality of life. It is therefore important that you know about knee pain remedies that can be used to prevent as well as treat it.

 Why does knee pain arise? 

Remedies for knee pain and how it develops

The knee joint is the largest joint in the body. We need it to perform a variety of movements. To keep it flexible, it has complex structures that should always be in good condition:  bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles and tendons. 

Is wrong movement responsible for the pain?

  • Sometimes a wrong move, a push, or a strong pull can feel like a lash. If you’ve made an unexpected twist, it could be a meniscus injury. The pain begins diffusely at first and only shows its full intensity after 24 hours.
  • But it is also a torn ligament. If you are in pain and cannot occur, the ligaments in the joint may have torn and take a long time to heal.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis:  This is a disease that affects the joints. The disease leads to tiredness, malaise, pain and fever. It can appear suddenly and quickly subside. The good thing is that the disease can be treated well over the long term. In this case, the right medication combined with a cartilage replacement can provide relief. However, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Tips and remedies for knee pain

olive oil

Tips and remedies for knee pain

Olive oil is a great tool for relieving pain. It has anti-inflammatory effects and stimulates blood circulation. You can massage your knees gently with two tablespoons of olive oil twice a day and wrap some gauze around them.

 Ice pack

Ice as a cure for knee pain

Ice packs are an easy way to relieve inflammation and pain. To do this, you can simply put a bag of ice cubes on your knees for twenty minutes (no longer, otherwise you can damage your skin).

Remedy with wheat flour and turmeric

Turmeric as a remedy for knee pain

With just a few ingredients, you can make an anti-inflammatory paste from milk, wheat flour, castor oil, and turmeric powder. Mix half a glass of hot water with three tablespoons of flour, one tablespoon of oil and a pinch of turmeric. Then rub the knee with the paste. This remedy will give you great relief.

 Natural anti-inflammatories

Goji berries as a remedy for knee pain

There are anti-inflammatory foods that are perfect as remedies for knee pain. If you eat a balanced diet and also consume the following superfoods, you will definitely feel better soon. It is very important to get enough omega-3 fatty acids (for example in salmon, herring, sardines …) as well  Chia seeds, flax seeds, broccoli, blueberries, goji berries, turmeric, pineapple, green tea, etc.

Further recommendations for your knee health

  • If you are overweight, you should lose some weight because it can put strain on your knees.
  • Swimming is an excellent sport for building up and relieving the strain on your knees.
  • If you have knee osteoarthritis, avoid strenuous activities such as running or cycling for too long. If the pain is particularly strong at the moment, you should definitely treat yourself to closed time. 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs can have many side effects. If you are in desperate need of a pain reliever, your best bet is to stick with paracetamol. 

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