What To Do About Sores In The Mouth? Helpful Natural Remedies

Mouth ulcers can be very uncomfortable. But today we recommend various natural remedies that can help! 

What to do with sores in the mouth  Helpful natural remedies

Mouth sores  are often very annoying and painful. They can interfere with eating, swallowing, or speaking. Because even if they are only very small, they seem to be significantly larger in the mouth.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can help heal mouth ulcers. If you suffer from it frequently, we recommend reading this article!

7 natural remedies for mouth sores 

Natural remedies for mouth sores 

Wounds in the mouth  or aphthae are usually small, round or oval injuries to the oral mucosa that appear on the inside of the lips, cheeks or on the tongue. Stress, allergies, injuries or hormonal changes are often responsible for this.

They usually form quickly and unexpectedly and then take a few days to heal on their own. However, to speed up the process of wound healing, we recommend the following natural home remedies:

1. Saline solution for mouth sores

One of your simplest and most effective home remedies is a mixture of water and salt. Salt water disinfects the sores in the mouth  and can easily be used as a mouthwash. Prepare this home remedy as follows:


  • 2 tablespoons (30g) sea salt
  • half a cup (125 ml) of water


  • Heat the water until it is a comfortable temperature.
  • Then mix well with the salt.
  • Rinse your mouth with this saline solution for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Repeat the process ..
  • Finally, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.

    2. Soda for mouth sores

    This solution is also quick and easy to prepare. Soda has an alkaline effect, which promotes a healthy environment in the mouth. Wounds in the mouth are dried out almost immediately.

    At the same time, baking soda cleans the mouth by killing bacteria.


    • ½ cup (125ml) water
    • 1 tablespoon (7g) baking soda


    • Warm up the water a little and then mix it with the baking soda.
    • Then use it to rinse your mouth several times.

    Then rinse your mouth again with pure water. You will see that baking soda promotes the wound healing process.

    3. Basil for mouth sores


    The medicinal herb basil is very often used in alternative dentistry  because it has an antimicrobial effect. It can therefore also help with inflammation and sores in the mouth.

    You can  just eat a few basil leaves or season your food with basil. However, we recommend the following mouthwash in particular for mouth ulcers:


    • ½ cup (80g) basil leaves
    • 4 glasses (1 liter) of mineral water


    • Briefly boil the water together with the herb and then let the basil steep.
    • Sieve and store in the refrigerator.
    • Then rinse your mouth several times a day with this mixture.

      Basil tea promotes the wound healing process of the small injuries in the mouth. You can also use it regularly as a mouth rinse to maintain good oral hygiene. Prevention is always the best medicine!

      4. Chamomile tea for mouth sores

      Chamomile tea for mouth sores
      Chamomile tea has a calming and antimicrobial effect and is therefore very effective for mouth ulcers.

      Chamomile is characterized by its antiseptic properties, which also help to heal canker sores faster. You can also use the following recipe preventively: 


      • 1 chamomile tea bag or 2 tablespoons (30 g) chamomile
      • 1 cup (250 ml) water


      • Scald the chamomile with boiling water and let it steep for a while.
      • Then let the tea cool down and use it to rinse your mouth several times a day.

      5. Aloe vera

      The properties of real aloe are also very beneficial: This plant supports the regeneration of the skin and is therefore also recommended for mouth wounds. Use the gel for faster wound healing. 

      The preparation of this home remedy is very easy:


      • Aloe vera


      • Cut a sheet of aloe vera lengthways to remove the gel. Alternatively, you can buy pure aloe gel from the pharmacy.
      • Dry the area of ​​the sores in the mouth well and then apply some aloe gel directly.

      This may be a bit uncomfortable, but you should use the treatment several times a day. Remember to remove the yellow liquid from the aloe vera as it is irritating.

      6. Honey for mouth sores

      Honey for mouth sores
      Also try honey for mouth ulcers, because this bee product has anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects!

      Honey is the sweetest cure for mouth sores. It is characterized by antibacterial properties and can be used in its natural form.

      Simply apply a little honey to the dry and cleaned injury. Try it!

      7. Coconut oil for mouth sores

      Coconut oil has long been used for oral care. It has anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects. At the same time, you can also use it to reduce pain.

      All you have to do is clean your mouth and then use your finger to apply some coconut oil to the sores. Let it work for a few minutes. You can then rinse your mouth with water. 

      Convince yourself of the effectiveness of all these natural remedies!

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