The Most Frequent Consequential Damages After A Corona Illness

In the midst of the corona crisis we have to be aware of possible consequential damages that can be triggered by COVID-19. We are talking about physical or psychological complaints that people suffer from after an infection. Of course, this disease also leaves its mark on loved ones. Find out more about this topic today. 

The most common consequential damages after a corona illness

Although the restrictions on movement are already being relaxed or lifted in many countries, as the infection rate has now fallen, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 still shapes our lives. Experts assume that we have to reckon with consequential damage at various levels. 

Due to the extent of this pandemic and the high number of people affected  , the medium and long-term consequences are also great. Future complications that could be triggered by illness from COVID-19 must first be fully researched, but various researchers are already anticipating a prognosis.

The consequential damage caused by the new coronavirus is affecting public health and overloading the health system, as more and more side effects are known. 

COVID-19 is particularly damaging to the respiratory system,  but neuromuscular and psychological disorders are also common. There is also talk of various waves of this pandemic:

  • 1st wave: The first wave of infection led to exit restrictions in many countries.
  • 2nd wave:  In this case, we are talking about the direct consequential damage suffered by affected patients by the disease COVID-19.
  • 3rd wave: This includes other diseases that were not treated due to the emergency situation.
  • 4th wave: Numerous behavioral disorders are also to be expected.

Consequential damage caused by COVID-19: pulmonary fibrosis

Breathing equipment was often used in the Corona crisis , although it was not necessary at all. However, these devices often cause consequential damage. In addition, the disease caused complications such as pulmonary fibrosis in many patients in the intensive care unit. You can therefore suffer from reduced lung capacity over a long period of time.

Lung fibrosis is the scarring and hardening of the lung tissue. The connective tissue is strengthened between the alveoli. This reduces the elasticity and also the lung volume, which in turn hinders breathing.

Scientists associate this complication, which can occur with COVID-19 diseases, with a cytokine storm, which can often be fatal. However, traces of this attack on the immune system remain in patients who have been able to recover. 

The risk is therefore particularly great in patients with autoimmune diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis patients may experience chronic inflammation as a result of a cytokine storm after recovering from COVID-19.

Consequential damage caused by COVID-19
Patients often suffer from sequelae after recovering from COVID-19.

Muscle weakness after long bed rest

For some years now, people have been talking about post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) when patients suffer from certain consequential damages after a long period in the intensive care unit, regardless of the reasons for which they were in the hospital.

As a result of a corona infection, this post-intensive care syndrome can lead, for example, to a loss of muscle mass in the extremities or to exhaustion during daily activities (such as walking or eating).

Muscle atrophy (atrophy) can occur if patients have been confined to bed for a long time. Even if the patient can leave the hospital, traces of the disease remain on their body. Presumably he lost weight and muscle mass during this time.

In addition, COVID-19 disease could affect the neuromotor endplate. This means that in addition to post-intensive care syndrome, neuromuscular disorders could also occur.

Psychological consequential damage caused by coronavirus

Psychological consequential damage caused by coronavirus
Health workers who had direct contact with corona patients and who fought on the front lines during the pandemic often suffered from psychological consequences.

The psychological consequences of the coronavirus are expressed in different ways  and can also be viewed from different perspectives. For example, patients with a serious infection, people who have not been able to leave the house for a long time and also the health workers who are on the front lines fighting the new coronavirus suffer from this.

The fear of those infected with corona is therefore greater than with other diseases, because on the one hand it is a new pathogen and on the other hand, sometimes confusing and contradicting information causes additional worries. We also hear from new victims of this virus every day, which also causes stress.

The number of people with post-traumatic stress may increase,  particularly those who have overcome the disease. They may be afraid of leaving their home, staying in populated places, or going on a trip.

We should also not forget that many patients had previously suffered from anxiety disorders or depression. In this case, the symptoms can get worse. 

In addition, the consequential damage that health workers suffer from is considerable. Often specialists are at their limits and experience burnout. Doctors, nurses and other professionals often suffer from stress, exhaustion, discouragement and fear of similar situations that could recur in the future as a result of COVID-19.

The corona crisis is causing consequential damage from which we all suffer

A pandemic of this magnitude affects us all. The consequential damage is not limited to those infected with corona. The whole of society suffers from the consequences that will shape our everyday lives for a long time to come. We must therefore learn to live with this consequential damage and to regain normality as quickly as possible.

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