Die Stachelannone – New Hope For Cancer Patients?

Various studies show that graviola – in contrast to conventional chemotherapy – attacks tumor cells, but does not damage healthy cells in the process.

Die Stachelannone - New Hope for Cancer Patients?

Is there a new hope for cancer patients ? For some time now, alternative treatments for diseases such as cancer have become increasingly popular. However, some of the successes are dubious. Many of the supposed miracle drugs against cancer show no effect.

The fear of the population and the great pressure exerted by official medicine, traditional medical associations and pharmaceutical laboratories specializing in cancer have made people dare to seek less aggressive and more natural alternatives.

In this article we will tell you more about the prickly annone, the new beacon of hope for cancer patients .

Some remedies have already been tested and tested for their effectiveness. They provide an alternative treatment option. The advantage is that there are significantly fewer negative effects such as a weakening of the immune system, hair loss, etc.

In addition, other side effects of chemotherapy can be avoided, including fits of faintness and progressive weight loss (progressive cachexia). These are not only due to the illness, but to the constant and uncontrollable vomiting attacks (emetic effects) that some chemotherapies cause.

Origin, characteristics and cultivation of the prickly pennywort

Its origin is currently unknown, but it is believed to be native to Mesoamerica. It is grown in tropical America and Africa, as it grows preferentially in the humid tropics. It is a deciduous tree, so that no harvest can take place during the change of foliage.

The tree blooms between October and January, and fruiting (the exquisite annones) occurs between December and April. It withstands wind, drought and termite infestation.

The fruit of the prickly annona, the annona, is very well known and looks like a large sugar apple with thorns, its flesh is juicy. A refreshing juice is obtained from it, which is commonly used in the manufacture of ice cream, jelly, jam and refreshing drinks.

Stachelannone – natural chemotherapy

That is why today we are dealing with a plant called Annona muricata or Annona, Stachelannone and in Mexico also “Cabeza de negro” (Schwarzkopf).

Of particular interest to us is the sting- annone because of its cancer-reducing effect. Numerous studies confirm this. So is she really a new beacon of hope for cancer patients?

The Stachelannone - miracle cure for cancer?
Cancer-reducing effect: 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy

In 1976, the United States National Cancer Institute found that it was 10,000 times more effective as “chemotherapy” against cancer cells than that of Adriamizin, one of the most aggressive cytotoxins currently used in chemotherapy.

In addition, it has a property that radically differentiates it from traditional chemotherapy treatments. Chemotherapy attacks both cancer cells and healthy cells because they cannot differentiate between the two cell types. The stinging annone, on the other hand, only attacks the cancer cells and stops their growth within 48 hours.

Further studies have been carried out since then. Most notably in 1997, the University of Purdue in Indiana, USA, found that the prickly  horse had cancer-reducing effects in lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, and even in the treatment of leukemia.

Cancer control properties

The plant produces a natural, chemotoxic substance called acetogenin in its leaves . This is 10,000 times more effective than adriamizin (a man-made toxic substance).

Natural chemotaxis is a process in which a substance attacks cells that contain specific chemical substances (in this case only sick or malignant cells) and leaves healthy cells undamaged, whereas the artificial product, so to speak, attacks everything that moves and is as healthy as it is harms diseased cells and weakens the entire organism.

Its effect has been proven to be both preventive and curative.


Usually, a powder preparation made from stinger leaves is taken 15 to 20 minutes before a meal, either as a tablet or a teaspoon at a time.

  • For prevention : it is recommended to take 500 mg in the above manner
  • For cure : double the preventive dose (1 gram) or four times the dose (2 grams) depending on the stage and severity of the disease

Other areas of application of the sting-annone

The plant is not only a beacon of hope for cancer patients, but also has an anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anticonvulsant, astringent and hypotonic effect (lowers blood pressure). Always have them on hand and take the recommended preventive dose.

Now we know that the prickly pear is a veritable miracle cure for our health and is one of the most powerful natural remedies there is.

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