Delicious Turmeric Recipe For Weight Loss

You may not expect immediate results, but in the long term this recipe can support weight loss and also do a lot for your general health!

Delicious turmeric recipe for weight loss

There are various natural additives that stimulate the metabolism and thus facilitate fat burning. Today we present you a delicious  turmeric recipe  with which you can achieve exactly this and therefore lose weight more easily.

Miracle diets can bring short-term results, but they are unhealthy and usually lead to the dreaded yo-yo effect. A permanently healthy diet, sufficient exercise and healthy lifestyle habits are important. 

Today’s  turmeric recipe  can also help you to stimulate weight loss. At the same time, you can use it to maintain your general health.

You can easily and quickly prepare the recipe at home. You too can benefit from it!

Why Turmeric For Weight Loss?

Turmeric recipe for weight loss

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a spice that has long been used in a wide variety of dishes, especially in India, and also as a remedy. It belongs to the ginger family and is characterized by various active ingredients that promote physical and mental health.

The taste is slightly spicy, the color gives many dishes that very special something. However, turmeric also has various uses in alternative medicine and is used as the basis for various remedies.

Regular  consumption in moderation also has many benefits for people who would like to lose weight in a healthy way. 


  • The most important active ingredient in turmeric root, curcumin,  has a strong cleansing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it stimulates the metabolism.
  • The intestinal peristalsis is also activated with turmeric, which facilitates the emptying of the bowels and the elimination of harmful substances.
  • In addition, this root strengthens  liver health and balances the production of bile,  a fluid that is essential for fat digestion.
  • Turmeric is also characterized by vitamins, minerals and a small amount of protein. These ensure vitality and provide energy. 
  • Turmeric works against cell damage caused by free radicals because the root contains important antioxidants.
  • The cholesterol level can also be regulated with it. In addition, cardiovascular health is strengthened.

Turmeric recipe for weight loss

Turmeric recipe for weight loss

Turmeric can be combined excellently with various other ingredients, which is very beneficial as it enhances its healthy properties.

Today’s turmeric recipe contains lemon and cinnamon, which also aid in weight loss.

The drink is low in calories and all natural. This improves the metabolism and you can also satisfy hunger cravings in a healthy way. 


  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder (1.2 g)
  • 1 cup hot water (250 ml)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 pinch of Ceylon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon of honey (3 g)


  • Mix the water and turmeric, add the lemon juice and cinnamon.
  • Mix everything well and finally sweeten with honey.


  • Drink this drink before or with breakfast.
  • You can have another glass for lunch.
  • We recommend drinking the turmeric drink daily for two weeks and then taking a two-week break. Then you can start over.


    • Patients with liver disease or bladder stones should not drink this drink.
    • If you are taking any medication, you should consult your doctor first to prevent possible interactions.
    • If you take blood-thinning medicines, you must avoid this drink.
    • Don’t drink too much, as this could cause stomach irritation.

    Final remarks

    delicious turmeric recipe

    Turmeric root has numerous health benefits, but keep in mind  that results are not immediate.

    This supports various functions of the organism, but this can only be seen after a few weeks.

    If you have set yourself the goal of losing weight,  you cannot expect any changes in a few days. You need patience and constancy to get the results you want.

    Prepare this turmeric recipe every day and benefit from all its excellent properties!

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