Papaya Seeds Against Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites enter the organism through contaminated food or water. Malnutrition can also make you more susceptible to parasites. They attach to the intestinal walls and can be responsible for many ailments.

Papaya seeds against intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites are more common than you think. Papaya seeds could help you.

They are difficult to recognize and can easily be mistaken for other disorders: digestive problems, nervousness or appetite disorders are often blamed for symptoms caused by intestinal parasites.

In this article we  cover how to determine the presence of intestinal parasites and how  papaya seeds  can be used for treatment.

What are intestinal parasites?

Intestinal parasites are different types of worms that attach themselves to the intestinal walls and cause various health problems.

They get into our organism through contaminated food or beverages.

A healthy intestinal flora can fight these parasites better,  but those who suffer from frequent digestive problems (such as constipation or diarrhea) are also more susceptible to intestinal parasites.

Many people suffer from the parasites without knowing it, so it makes sense to know the most common symptoms.

Intestinal parasites

How can intestinal parasites be detected?

If you have at least three of these symptoms , you should get a medical exam  to find out if there are intestinal parasites or other causes behind them:

  • Indigestion for no apparent reason
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Anal or nasal itching
  • Greater or lesser appetite
  • Nervousness, sadness and fear for no apparent reason
  • Nutrient deficiency despite a balanced diet
  • anemia
  • Bloated stomach as well as gas
  • Weight loss
  • Unfounded tiredness

Papaya seeds

The round, shiny papaya seeds with a slightly pungent taste are an ideal remedy for intestinal parasites.

 40 seeds per day are recommended .

To perform anti-parasitic treatment, you can try the following methods:

  • Drink a fresh papaya smoothie with 40 papya seeds every morning on an empty stomach. To do this, the papaya and the seeds are processed in a stand mixer or blender until a homogeneous drink is created. After drinking, you wait half an hour until breakfast. 
  • Dry the papaya seeds and then grind them finely. This “papaya pepper” is mixed with honey.  We then mix “papaya flour” with pure honey. You eat three tablespoons of this every day, one before each main meal, with a glass of lemon juice.

    This home remedy is taken daily for a month,  if necessary, this treatment can be carried out longer.

    Before doing this, however, you should discuss this treatment with your doctor or alternative practitioner.

    Papaya seeds

    What should we not eat?

    Why do some often suffer from intestinal parasites and others never at all? The answer is simple: it depends in large part on our diet.

    Intestinal worms feed on many foods that  are very commonly consumed. We recommend that you avoid the following foods so that the home remedies with papaya work better:

    • Sugar as well as sugary foods
    • Refined flour
    • Milk and milk products
    • Red meat and sausage
    • Alcoholic drinks
    Fast food

    Which foods help with intestinal parasites?

    Aside from papaya seeds, there are other foods that should be on your diet to improve the effectiveness of the papaya regimen

    • Raw garlic : This white tuber is one of the best anti-parasite remedies. The Tibetan garlic cure, for example, is recommended.
    • Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds are also very effective against parasites. You can consume up to 30 raw pumpkin seeds a day, either ground or mixed with other foods.
    • Olive oil: You should always buy virgin olive oil from the first cold pressing (extra virgin). Against parasites, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.
    • Lemon:  This natural detergent works just as well. If you buy organic lemons, you can also eat the peel: you can grate it and mix it with salads, smoothies, juices, etc.
    • Grapefruit Seeds: These seeds are very nutritious.  They also have a cleansing and detoxifying effect.
    • Onions:  Raw onions are very healthy for the kidneys and help prevent parasites.

    If you have chronic constipation, we recommend treating it naturally, as the intestinal walls of people with indigestion are particularly susceptible to daram parasites.

    In this case, you can consume flaxseed, prunes, and flea seeds (Plantago psyllium), and you should drink plenty of water outside of meals to help regulate bowel function.

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