The Ketogenic Diet: Advantages And Disadvantages

Although the ketogenic diet is very effective for losing weight, it is still important to ask a specialist beforehand in which cases it is suitable.

The ketogenic diet: advantages and disadvantages

The ketogenic diet  is known for numerous benefits. It was developed over 30 years ago and has now regained popularity due to its effectiveness.

The program provides a type of diet in which carbohydrates are reduced to a minimum or even eliminated completely so that the body falls into ketosis.

This is the state in which fat is mainly used as a source of energy. And by increasing the number of ketones, you can lose weight faster  than with a traditional diet.

This diet was originally recommended for patients with epilepsy. But now it is a very popular weight loss diet.

However, due to its limitations, it is not suitable for everyone. It should therefore only be observed with extreme caution and not for too long.

What is this diet made of and how is it implemented without harming you? What are the downsides?  In this article, we’ll go into details to answer these questions.

What is the ketogenic diet and what are the benefits?

The ketogenic diet is a form of nutrition in which the main focus is on the consumption of many proteins and healthy fats. At the same time, carbohydrates are reduced to such an extent that the body can enter a state of ketosis.

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which the number of ketones in the body increases, so you can lose a lot of weight quickly. By stopping supplying your body with carbohydrates, it automatically gets its energy from fat.

As soon as all the sugar reserves that come from the carbohydrates are used up, the consumption of fatty acids increases. In this state, the number of ketone bodies increases. This is where the name “ketogenic diet” comes from.

Benefits of the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet and its benefits

The greatest benefit of this diet is effective weight loss. The difference from other diets is that the results can be seen much faster here.

  • While the consumption of animal fats is  restricted, the consumption of healthy fats is increased at the same time. In addition, less cholesterol and triglycerides are absorbed in this diet.
  • By releasing ketone bodies , you have less appetite, which means you consume fewer calories. That’s why there are no food cravings.
  • After all, on this diet you only lose fat and the muscles are preserved due to the high protein intake.

    Follow the ketogenic diet

    Follow the ketogenic diet

    If you want to follow a ketogenic diet, you have to either drastically reduce foods with carbohydrates and glucose, or eliminate them completely from your diet. At the same time you have to consume a lot of proteins and fatty acids.

    These are then foods such as:

    • pig
    • Chicken, Turkey, or Lamb
    • fish and seafood
    • Vegetable oils
    • Eggs
    • Dried fruits and seeds (in small quantities)
    • Fruits and vegetables (only sometimes, in small quantities)
    • Avocados

    However, the following foods are prohibited in this diet:

    • alcohol
    • Cereal products and refined sugar
    • Sauces and dressings
    • Dairy products
    • Cereals and legumes
    • Sweet fruits

    Disadvantages of the ketogenic diet

    The ketogenic diet and its disadvantages

    The ketogenic diet is also causing controversy because it is very strict and restrictive. While some find them very suitable and effective, others emphasize the side effects that can occur:

    • The intake of carbohydrates is far less than the amount prescribed for a healthy diet. It is about 10% lower than recommended.
    • Furthermore, you take in fewer vitamins and minerals in this diet, which can lead to deficiency symptoms and challenge your body.
    • The reduced intake of fiber can lead to digestive problems and constipation.
    • At the same time, the increased number of ketone bodies causes bad breath, which is why you need to have good oral hygiene.
    • It can also stress the liver, which is why it’s not good for people with fatty liver or heart problems.
    • Sometimes the diet also affects your memory and concentration.
    • If the ketone bodies multiply quickly, it can lead to ketoacidosis. This is a condition that can damage vital organs.


    Before considering a ketogenic diet, you should have your health checked. In addition, it is very important to consult a nutritionist  so that you do not make mistakes with this diet.

    If you already have various health problems, the risks increase during the diet

    Although the results can be seen quickly, you should not follow this diet for more than 30 days because of the deficiency symptoms.

    If your goal is to lose weight and then keep it off, it is better to eat a balanced diet. So your body then has all the nutrients it needs. Don’t forget to talk to your doctor about this before starting the diet.

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