5 Hair Loss Habits

Hair loss is a very common problem. While we’ve grown used to solving everything with these traditional products, it’s important to consider other ways to manage hair loss as well.

5 Hair Loss Habits

In addition to existing hair loss treatments, there are a number of other measures that are critical to managing this problem. While we’ve grown used to solving everything with these traditional products, it’s important to consider other ways to manage hair loss as well.

Do you suffer from losing more hair than usual? Do you notice that after combing a lot of hair strands remain in the brush? If your answers to these questions are positive, it is imperative that you act immediately. For this reason, we would like to explain 5 things in detail that you can do to counteract hair loss.

What can be done against hair loss? 5 useful tips

Excessive hair loss is a problem that goes beyond aesthetics. Therefore, it is best to see a doctor first before starting any treatment. A professional is responsible for assessing the underlying cause of hair loss as it may be due to hormonal imbalance, illness, or dietary deficiencies.

However, regardless of the cause your doctor has identified, there are a few things you can do to help prevent hair loss. Although this problem cannot be solved overnight, of course, here are some keys to strengthening your scalp and hair roots. Take care!

1. Healthy diet for hair loss

Eat a healthy diet to prevent hair loss

Diet plays a very important role in hair care. Hence, once one wants to tackle the problem of hair loss, it is necessary that one also changes one’s diet. A recent research published in 2018 found that diets high in raw vegetables and fresh herbs can reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia.

The results showed that excessive hair loss was more manageable by consuming foods like parsley, basil, and green salads three times a week. Good nutrition for optimal hair health should look like this:

  • Sources of protein with high biological value (lean meat, fish, pulses, eggs, low-fat dairy products, etc.)
  • Vitamin A-rich foods like sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and spinach
  • Sources of vitamins B, C, D, iron, selenium and zinc
  • Food supplements or foods with biotin (vitamin B7)

2. Use a mild shampoo

Harsh chemicals found in some commercially available shampoos can dry out your hair and cause it to break. In fact, some shampoo formulas change the pH of the scalp and cause problems such as itching and dandruff. Are you using products that are too strong on your hair?

It would be best if you opt for a mild shampoo that is preferably of natural origin. This should be used with daily washing to keep the scalp healthy and clean. When buying, make sure to choose a suitable shampoo for your hair type: dry, oily or mixed. This way you can avoid unwanted reactions when applying.

3. Let the hair dry in the fresh air

healthy hair without hair loss

Excessive use of hair dryers leads to breakage of the hair strands, which can trigger extreme hair loss. For this reason , it’s important to let your hair dry in the fresh air as often as possible and remove excess moisture with a clean, soft towel. This measure prevents, among other things, the scalp from becoming irritated and the tips breaking off.

4. Massage the scalp against hair loss

This simple technique improves the blood circulation in this area and promotes the process of oxygenation in the follicles. For example, there are some studies that suggest massaging the scalp is a great alternative to combating hair loss.

  • You can supplement the head massage with nutritious essential oils. Some options for this could be: coconut oil, almond oil, or olive oil. Apply this massage for 3 to 5 minutes, preferably before bedtime.

5. Stress management against hair loss

Find a good way of dealing with stress to prevent hair loss

The constant exposure to stress can be one of the triggers for hair loss. For this reason, when starting any hair loss treatment, it is imperative to establish some habits in order to better cope with situations that evoke these types of emotions. 

Some useful techniques are:

  • regular exercise
  • Yoga or pilates
  • Mediation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Aromatherapy

In summary …

Diligence and healthy habits in combating hair loss can help improve the results of the treatment applied. However, it is important to identify the underlying cause of hair loss first, as in some cases it is related to illness or health changes.

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