10 Keys To Good Sleep Hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is an essential basis for adequate recovery. There are a few keys to keep in mind that are very helpful. Find out more about it today!

10 keys to good sleep hygiene

Many people have sleep problems and therefore also suffer from the typical secondary symptoms. Falling asleep is particularly difficult for many. In some cases it can already be very helpful to introduce some basic measures for good sleep hygiene into the daily routine in order to find a  good night’s sleep .

When you fail to get a good night’s sleep,  various difficulties arise. The brain needs the daily night’s rest for various processes that cannot be carried out while awake. If you don’t get enough sleep, your cognitive performance will be lower during the day. In addition, further complaints can occur in the long term.

Good sleep hygiene is therefore essential. You can do a lot for it with very simple measures. All you have to do is stay constant with them in order for them to develop into a habit and improve the quality of your sleep.

The following ten keys can help you!

1. Good sleep hygiene: the right atmosphere 

Good sleep hygiene: the right atmosphere 

A fundamental step is to create the right environment to sleep well. If you have trouble falling asleep, you may be able to reduce the noise and make sure your bedroom is dark. The right temperature is also essential! Try to control all of these factors so that you can sleep better.

2. Good sleep hygiene: the preparation 

In basic human activities such as eating or sleeping, the mind and body react very well when programmed accordingly. Good sleep hygiene includes rituals that promote sleep.

The main aim is to gradually reduce the rhythm before going to  bed in order to prepare the body and mind for the recovery time. For example, you can take a relaxing bath and drink some sleep-inducing herbal tea before you go to bed.

3. Good sleep hygiene: the diet

Eating a healthy diet also improves sleep. It is very important to arrange your dinner accordingly. It should be easy so digestion doesn’t disturb sleep, but  you shouldn’t go to bed hungry either. It’s best to eat a light, wholesome dinner two to three hours before going to bed.

4. Avoid certain substances

It is very obvious that  stimulant drinks interfere with sleep. Healthy sleep hygiene therefore also includes not taking certain substances in the afternoon and evening. This includes  coffee, tea, chocolate, carbonated soft drinks and of course energy drinks. All of these products wake you up and interfere with your sleep.

5. Healthy sleep hygiene through exercise 

Physical exercise has many positive effects on our organism. It also helps you sleep better. You should therefore practice an exercise routine every day that adapts to your age and physical condition. However, you shouldn’t train right before bed,  but let it pass for a while, because your body needs between two and four hours to find its normal rhythm again.

6. Healthy sleep hygiene: the midday nap

Healthy sleep hygiene: the midday nap

Not everyone can afford the luxury of having a siesta after lunch. If you’re one of the lucky ones, don’t go overboard either. The midday nap shouldn’t last longer than 20 minutes if you want to sleep well in the evening. If you have major problems falling asleep in the evening, it is best to avoid taking a nap after lunch.

7. Regular sleep times

As mentioned earlier, the body needs a certain routine and regularity in order to function properly. If you always go to sleep and wake up at the same time, it will be easier for you to find rest. Once your body gets used to it, it will ask you to go to bed at the right time!

8. Electronic display devices

You should turn off all electronic devices around you, or even better, banish them from the bedroom. With the television on or with your mobile phone on the bedside table, you won’t find peace. Even the laptop has no place in the bedroom. Turn off screen devices well before you go to bed so you can relax.

9. Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are an excellent way to manage chronic sleep problems. Even if you don’t have much of a problem, relaxing exercises can help you before you go to bed. They form an important part of sleep hygiene and improve the quality of sleep.

10. The bed is fundamental to sleep hygiene

You should be aware that the bed is only there for sleeping (alone or in pairs with or without foreplay) and for no other activities. You shouldn’t work, watch TV, or eat in bed. If you can’t find sleep, get up and don’t go to bed until you are actually tired.

Don’t forget that one of the best investments is a good, healthy bed with a good mattress! You spend a third of your life here, so it’s worth it!

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