6 Signs Of Intestinal Disease

Abdominal pain, stomach discomfort and swelling are among the most common signs of intestinal disease. In this case, let yourself be examined by a doctor!

6 signs of bowel disease

The intestine is the most important section of the digestive tract. It is located between the gastric porter and the anus and is anatomically divided into the small and large intestines, which perform similar but very specific tasks. When the bowel functions are not working properly, the body gives us various signs of  bowel disease. 

The small intestine is the longest and most important section of the digestive system. Its main function is the absorption of the food components into the blood. The intestinal mucous membrane is equipped with many small folds, intestinal villi and a fine brush border, which enable the individual nutrients to be conducted into the blood.

The large intestine is responsible for drawing water from the pulp and thickening it. Vigorous bowel movements help shape the stool, which is then passed out.

The intestine: a very important but sensitive digestive organ

Abdominal pain as a sign of bowel disease

The intestine is a fundamental digestive organ, but unfortunately it is very sensitive as it absorbs a wide variety of substances, which are often harmful. Intestinal complaints are very common and usually manifest themselves as pain in the affected area.

Abdominal pain, stomach discomfort, and swelling are the most common signs of  bowel disease. But there are other warning signs that are not so clear, but should be considered anyway.

Then we will give you some signs that can indicate an intestinal disease.

Signs of bowel disease

Great desire for sweets

A disturbed intestinal flora can cause various diseases. Very often this happens through the consumption of sugary foods. Sugar is addictive and even if consumption is limited at first, the desire for sweets can become stronger over time.

Excessive amounts of sugar can cause various health problems. One of the most common signs of this is obesity, which is known to have other negative consequences for health.

Psychological problems

Woman with intestinal disease

Neuroscientists have now confirmed what we have intuitively known for a long time: the “butterflies in the stomach” really do exist. That is why the intestine is also known as the second brain.

Psychological problems such as depression, stress or a feeling of fear can therefore also be a sign of an intestinal disease. The hormone serotonin, which ensures well-being, balance and happiness, is largely located in the intestines! Therefore, an altered state of mind can say a lot about the health of the intestines.

Too much glucose

The intestines are responsible for absorbing and transporting nutrients, including sugar. If you eat too much sugar, the lining of the duodenum suffers. This can also have negative consequences for the metabolism.

If too much sugar gets into the blood, diseases like diabetes can develop.

Skin discomfort as a sign of intestinal disease

Skin discomfort as a sign of intestinal disease

There are numerous causes that can lead to changes in the skin: solar radiation, chemical products, heat, cold, hormonal imbalances, etc. However, it is often forgotten that an intestinal disease can also  cause skin problems.

Skin changes such as acne or eczema  can sometimes be due to an intestinal disorder. A changed intestinal flora is responsible for this. For example, certain bacteria can cause swelling or reddening of the skin.

Unstable digestion

Digestive discomfort is probably the clearest sign that you have an intestinal disorder. However, it is important to find out which digestive organ has disorders.

Gas, flatulence or diarrhea often develop  when the bowel itself is affected. The trigger can, for example, be a change in the intestinal flora. Pollutants that prevent the absorption of nutrients can lead to this.

Bad breath as a sign of an intestinal disease

Bad breath as a sign of an intestinal disease

Bad digestion and disturbed intestinal flora  can cause unpleasant bad breath (halitosis). Gases that form in the digestive tract and the resulting gastritis are often the cause of the unpleasant breath odor.

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