5 Raw Foods For A Flat Stomach

When raw, many foods contain valuable active ingredients that are lost during cooking.

5 raw foods for a flat stomach

You surely know the raw food diet for weight loss and for a better figure. Raw foods are fruits and vegetables that promote fat burning, prevent disease and slow down the aging process.

This post will surely interest you.

The benefits of raw foods

Many foods contain valuable active ingredients in their raw state that are lost during cooking – for example vitamins, trace elements and digestive enzymes, which also make you feel more full.

It is important that the fruits and vegetables are natural and contaminated as little as possible with toxins and pesticides. We therefore recommend buying these foods in health food stores or markets. 

Here’s how raw foods can help

raw food
  • Good against flatulence:  In the case of indigestion or gas formation, the daily consumption of 5 raw fruit or vegetable servings is excellent. You should chew slowly so that the food arrives in the stomach well chopped up. Don’t forget: digestion begins in the mouth! In this way you produce enough digestive enzymes and absorb the nutrients better. Raw foods are excellent for relieving constipation.
  • Feeling full:  Raw foods not only promote the absorption of nutrients, they also help our brain to produce various neurotransmitters that create a feeling of fullness. The serotonin level also improves as a result – this hormone ensures a better mood.
  • The aging process is delayed: is  this really how wrinkles can be prevented? The appearance of wrinkles cannot be prevented, but it can be delayed. Raw fruits and vegetables contain valuable antioxidants. A study by the  Jean Mayoer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging  at Tufts University (Boston) shows that the daily consumption of raw fruits and vegetables due to the antioxidants they contain delays brain aging and can prevent numerous degenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s).
  • Balancing Sodium and Potassium:  Raw fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of potassium. This can compensate for excessive sodium consumption, which has numerous health benefits.
  • Excellent for Weight Loss:  Many eat raw foods every day to make it easier to lose weight. This method is very effective because it allows important nutrients to be better absorbed, while at the same time feeling full, but consuming only a few fat and calories. However, you need will and perseverance. It is recommended that you eat 5 servings of raw fruits or vegetables, seeds and sprouts every day. In combination with other high-protein foods, this diet can help you get a flatter stomach. You have to stay constant though!

What are the best raw foods?

Broccoli and cress


You know for sure  that broccoli and cress are very healthy and should therefore be consumed regularly (once or twice a week). 

When raw, these vegetables are even healthier. When they cook, they lose enzymes that protect against cancer and aid digestion. Simply cut into very small pieces and combine with sprouts. Broccoli and cress are also excellent ways to lose weight.

Red pepper


Raw peppers do not contain any fat, but they do contain many vitamins and antioxidants. They speed up the metabolism and help with constipation and indigestion. You can use fine strips in the  salad .



Do you love onions? They give a wide variety of dishes an excellent taste. However, when they cook, they lose 60% of digestive enzymes,  healthy minerals, and antioxidants. 

The best solution is therefore to eat onions in small quantities, but raw. The metabolism is promoted and the blood sugar level is reduced by the active ingredient glucoquinine.

Green apple

Neither apple juice nor jam, the best thing is  a green apple in the morning with the skin on!  An excellent tool for general health, fat burning and a flat stomach!


garlic food

Garlic is used for many dishes, rice or meat, for example, taste excellent with the aroma of this white tuber. But garlic is far healthier in its raw form.

The active ingredient allicin is lost during cooking, which acts like a natural antibiotic and helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances. How about a glass of water with a crushed clove of garlic before breakfast?

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