Healthy Habits Against Heartburn

Heartburn is a very annoying condition that can also have serious consequences for our body. However, some healthy habits can help us prevent these annoying ailments.

Healthy Heartburn Habits

Today we are talking about healthy habits for heartburn.

Do you ever get a burning sensation and discomfort in your stomach after eating? This is also called heartburn and you get it when you eat too much or eat very spicy or fatty meals.

If you suffer from it on a daily or frequent basis, these healthy heartburn habits may help you avoid it. However, if the symptoms persist, you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

What is heartburn?

Heartburn occurs due to gastroesophageal reflux. This happens when food from the stomach flows back into the esophagus. This creates a burning sensation and pain in the chest.

If a person suffers from this burning sensation frequently (at least twice a week), it is called heartburn.

What are the most common causes of heartburn?

Establish healthy heartburn habits
Heartburn occurs because the digestive juices rise up the esophagus.

One of the most common contributing factors to heartburn is acidic foods. These include:

  • tomatoes
  • Citrus fruits, such as lemon
  • Spicy foods

Also by the consumption of alcohol or tobacco can cause heartburn. Diabetes and asthma are also possible triggers. If we exert too much pressure on the stomach, the upper end of the stomach can also open and acid reflux occurs.

As a result, we then feel a burning sensation in the stomach and even in the throat, because the reflux can go as far as the mouth. Overweight people and pregnant women also sometimes experience heartburn.

Some medications can also affect the situation:

  • Anticholinergics, beta blockers, gestagens, theophyllines
  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • some anxiety tranquilizers

Most common symptoms

As a result of this condition, stomach acid gets into the esophagus, causing pain and burning sensation. Some perceive this as spasms, others as a sharp pain behind the sternum. Some even mistake the pain for a heart attack. 

Heartburn can spread to the chest and parts of the throat, causing a bitter taste that reaches the roof of the mouth. If the acid hits the larynx, the patient coughs and feels hoarseness.

If the heartburn is severe, it can even attack the tooth enamel.

7 healthy habits for heartburn

To prevent heartburn, the first thing you should do is see your doctor so they can determine how serious your problem is.

After you do this, healthy heartburn habits can help you relieve it and avoid the burning sensation as much as possible.

It is important to be able to count on the support of your doctor so that you can find the best solution to your problem.

Know that your lifestyle can help you relieve and avoid the symptoms of heartburn. So we’d like to share some healthy heartburn habits with you.

1. Heartburn habits: eat slowly

Eating healthy
Large foods stimulate the stomach to release more acid.

Eating right can help your stomach produce less acid. It is also important that you chew your food properly.

This makes it digested faster and your stomach doesn’t need as much acid to break it down, so it doesn’t flow back into your esophagus.

2. Heartburn habits: avoid the triggers

There are many foods that are considered to be triggers for heartburn. These include beverages containing caffeine, fizzy, citrus acid and alcohol. If you do without them, you can avoid various ailments.

You should pay attention to what triggers your heartburn and avoid consuming it.

3. Heartburn habits: eat regularly

Paying attention to meal times and portions is essential to relieve heartburn. Try to divide your servings evenly, avoid heavy meals and eat smaller portions more often.

4. Heartburn habits: sleep properly

People with heartburn can make their symptoms worse by sleeping in the wrong position. Your sleeping position can put pressure on your stomach and this can cause acid to enter your esophagus.

Don’t sleep on your right side to avoid this. Some  specialists advise sleeping on your back or on your left side.

5. Heartburn habits: keep a healthy weight

Too much body weight can lead to health problems, the most common being cardiovascular problems and heartburn. 

This is because the fat that builds up around the abdomen puts pressure on the stomach and pushes stomach acid against the esophagus while also slowing digestion.

6. Heartburn habits: quit smoking

quit smoking
Tobacco increases the production of stomach acid, which can lead to a burning sensation.

Scientific studies show that nicotine stimulates stomach acid to move upwards and can cause other ailments besides burning.

This means that smokers are more likely to experience heartburn compared to other people who are not dependent on tobacco.

7. Heartburn habits: avoid over-the-counter medications

Don’t make the mistake of buying medication to relieve your heartburn without a doctor’s prescription. It is important that you see your doctor first to investigate the problem.

This is the only way to get a professional diagnosis and a prescription for the appropriate drug. Over-the-counter medicine can be counterproductive in the long run.

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