Chia During Pregnancy: Benefits And Recommendations

One food that has become quite fashionable is chia seeds. They are very nutritious and can even improve various ailments. Here we look at how useful chia is during pregnancy.

Chia During Pregnancy: Benefits and Recommendations

Pregnancy is a particularly sensitive time and expectant mothers should eat all the nutritious foods available to them. Consuming chia during pregnancy is positive if these seeds are eaten in moderation as they can also have several negative effects.

They can be ground or eaten whole and added to any type of recipe. However, you have to be careful the first few times because, like many foods, they can cause allergic reactions and digestive problems. Learn more about their uses, benefits, and other recommendations below.

What are chia seeds?

This valuable food in the form of a small black grain comes from Mexico and Guatemala. Chia has been part of the diet and healing traditions there for more than 5000 years. Nowadays this food is booming in many corners of the world.

It is an oil seed, which is why the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (mainly omega-3 and omega-6) is particularly noteworthy in its composition. This product also provides protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus and manganese) and antioxidants.

Benefits of Chia During Pregnancy

It is particularly important to pay attention to your diet during pregnancy. Some nutrients are needed in larger quantities to ensure the development of the fetus and to avoid health problems for the expectant mother.

In addition, some minor ailments, such as constipation, can be resolved or alleviated by simple dietary guidelines. Here we look in detail at what beneficial effects chia seeds can have in some cases.

Improve constipation

As stated by the American Society for Nutrition , chia seeds provide a good amount of soluble fiber. This is beneficial if the person has difficulty defecating as it increases the volume of the stool and also facilitates the elimination process.

Prevent the development of anemia

Iron deficiency is common in pregnant women. The lower the level of this mineral in the body before conception, the more likely it is. If anemia is already present, the circulatory changes during pregnancy make it worse.

It is therefore important to ensure adequate iron intake during this time of increased need. Chia seeds help cover this surge, although they’re not among the most common foods, such as meat or legumes. It is worth noting that it has a similar intake to iron sulfate.

Chia seeds large spoon
Chia seeds are an interesting food that can also be included in the diet during pregnancy.

Strengthen the bones

Along with iron, calcium is another important mineral during pregnancy. On the one hand, it helps prevent negative effects on the mother, such as the risk of osteoporosis and preeclampsia; on the other hand, it ensures that the fetus develops and grows well.

As pointed out by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , women over the age of 19 need 1,000 milligrams of this mineral per day. Two tablespoons of chia seeds for dessert cover 20% of this value as they provide almost 200 milligrams of calcium. Thus, one can increase the variety of calcium-rich foods to be consumed.

Control of blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels have a number of negative health effects. One of them is the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In the case of pregnant women, this is a disadvantage for both the baby and the mother, as increased blood sugar levels during pregnancy are associated with a greater risk of fetal defects and obesity.

Consuming chia can help regulate blood sugar levels. As explained in scientific studies conducted with healthy adults, consuming 25 grams per day has a positive effect on reducing the glucose spike after a meal. It is also effective when found in certain foods, such as bread.

Source of omega-3 fatty acids

This type of polyunsaturated fatty acid is very important for the good development of pregnancy and the fetus. The main source it brings it to the body is the oily fish. But some plant-based foods also provide a precursor to these fats, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

While it’s important to know that chia isn’t the only source of omega 3s during pregnancy, it is not to be neglected.

This is because the body has difficulty converting ALA into useful forms. According to research, it is these active variants that are responsible for the polyunsaturated fatty acid benefits during pregnancy.

Satisfying effect

Some pregnant women gain more weight than they should during their pregnancy. Obesity during pregnancy can be a problem for both mother and child, as an article in the Cochrane Library shows . There is an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, caesarean section, and heavy fetus weight.

Therefore, in some cases, weight gain in pregnant women needs to be controlled with diet and exercise. If this problem persists or if the expectant mother has a constant feeling of hunger and need to eat, chia seeds can help her as they have a proven satiating effect.

Studies have confirmed that consuming 7 to 14 grams per day increases the feeling of satiety and also reduces the total calorie intake of the next meal. It also makes the blood sugar level rise more slowly after eating. This is due to the presence of fiber and protein.

How can you consume chia during pregnancy?

A walk through the supermarket shows us the strong presence of chia seeds. Today you can find them in a variety of foods and various preparations: sticks, granola bars, cookies, breads and pasta. The main recommendation, however, is to take them in their natural form.

The best way to do this is to buy them in powder form or to grind them at home with a suitable device. In this way, the body uses all of the nutrients contained in the seeds. And so pregnant women can also benefit from all the advantages.

Once they are ground, they can be mixed into various preparations and sprinkled with a spoon or two on top of the dessert. Some ideas on how to incorporate them into different dishes are as follows:

  • Stirred in yogurt or kefir
  • In a fruit shake with yogurt, milk or vegetable drink
  • As an ingredient in mueslis or breakfast cereals
  • In a vegetable cream
  • Sprinkled over salads or vegetable dishes

If chia seeds are only used to improve bowel problems, soak them for at least 10 minutes to soften them. This creates a mucus that favors the absorption of fluids.

Does Consuming Chia During Pregnancy Have Side Effects?

Pregnant nuts and kernels
The benefits of chia seeds for the pregnant woman have to do with regulating blood sugar levels, supplying them with fatty acids, and improving bowel function.

The European Food Safety Agency has assessed the use of chia seeds. Since its introduction on the European market in 2010, no member state has identified any hazards that could pose a risk to consumers. Hence, chia is usually considered safe to eat for most people.

However, attention must be drawn to the possibility of an allergic reaction. When eating chia for the first time, you have to be careful. Sometimes a cross-reaction occurs in people with sesame and peanut allergies. In addition, overeating can lead to some of these symptoms:

  • Excessive fiber can cause stomach upset, gas, and even diarrhea.
  • The seeds expand when they come into contact with liquid. This has become a serious problem at times. It is therefore important to follow the recommended intake: soak for about 15 minutes or sprinkle over the food.

The key points of chia during pregnancy

It should be noted that chia seeds can interact with some drugs and reduce their absorption. It is recommended that you discuss the consumption of this food with your doctor if the pregnant woman is undergoing treatment.

The beneficial effects that this tiny food can have are proven as we set out in the article. That is why it is a great choice to consume chia during pregnancy. Be it to feel more energy, to improve annoying ailments or to take in the necessary nutrients.

Increasing the dose slowly (if this is the first dose) is a precautionary measure. The maximum amount of two tablespoons per day should also not be exceeded.

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