Properties Of Gelatine

Gelatine is rich in proteins. It strengthens the bones and ensures firm, elastic skin.

Properties of gelatin

Perhaps you already know: gelatine is an ideal dessert to satisfy the cravings for something sweet that sometimes arise. But the health-promoting properties of gelatine should not be overlooked either.

It is also very refreshing, easy to prepare and very inexpensive. Gelatin can become a good partner for anyone who wants to lose weight. But these are not the only benefits: it can also provide preventive measures and cure some ailments. Discover the health-promoting properties of gelatin in this article !

Properties of gelatin

This incredible dessert contains  amino acids, proteins and nine out of ten essential substances for our body.

Gelatin is the main source of collagen. So it is very important for our bones as it not only strengthens them, but also prevents osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

If you eat gelatin regularly, it can also lower cholesterol, slow down the aging process, balance blood sugar levels, and improve resistance. It even helps wound healing.

Properties of gelatin

Eat more gelatin

There are several types of gelatin that you can use for different meals. The ideal would be to eat 10 grams of gelatin a day, which is equivalent to one tablespoon of gelatin added (available in health food stores).

You can find edible gelatine in every supermarket, but you should only consume it twice a day. It is used for making yogurt, cakes, ice cream, desserts, etc.

But there are also other types: A gelatine intended for diabetics should be mentioned here. There are also gelatine capsules and leaf gelatine.

With this variety of options, it would be appropriate to ask a doctor which type is best for you. The recommended amount can also vary depending on the person and needs.

Properties of gelatin

Huge advantages

But gelatin alone is not enough to achieve your goals. For example, you should have a balanced diet and healthy activities to prevent disease and slow down the aging process. Gelatine is important and healthy for:

  • Bones:  This is one of the important properties of gelatin: it strengthens bones. This improves your resistance to osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
  • Blood: Cholesterol and triglyceride levels drop, the blood sugar level stabilizes.
  • Cosmetics: The aging process is slowed down. Gelatine has a moisturizing effect on hair, nails and skin. Gelatine is also a natural wound healing agent because it gives elasticity and tightens the skin.

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