These 6 Habits Make Your Life Difficult

Don’t ask too much of yourself, everyone makes mistakes, that’s completely normal! It is important to learn from it and to look ahead.

These 6 habits make your life difficult

Often times you feel sad, anxious, or angry and don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because you let yourself get carried away too easily by certain adverse everyday situations. In this article, we’ll tell you which habits make your life difficult so that you can identify them and then get rid of them.

Pay attention to these habits because they make your life difficult

It seems far easier to  see the negative side of things than to focus on the positive. You see problems, difficulties and obstacles. However, you may not be aware that you are responsible for your own unhappiness.

So check out which habits are making your life difficult and do your best to change them. The first step is to become aware of it. This is the only way you can make a change  .

1. Do not compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others makes life difficult

Everyone is unique,  but we still compare ourselves with others all the time: I am smaller, thicker, less intelligent, wealthier …

Comparisons can be very useful in everyday life, for example when it comes to different products, a job or a decision. But continually comparing yourself to others won’t make you happy.

Everyone has different talents and abilities and every person is important. You have no reason to feel inferior or despise your accomplishments. You are also not the only one who has problems and worries!

2. Don’t keep thinking that life is difficult 

From an early age we are taught that you have to work hard to achieve something in life. You don’t get anything for free, everything is difficult and the path is full of obstacles. Of course, life is often not easy, but neither is it a constant valley of mourning.

Even very negative experiences can be overcome. You can learn to enjoy the little things of everyday life again and to be grateful for every day that is given to you.

If you only focus on the negatives, you will no longer see how easy it could actually be if you changed your mind. You actually believe life is tough and you also use this as an excuse when things  are not going well. You are making yourself a victim instead of taking control of your life and solving your problems.

3. Perfectionism

Perfectionists make life difficult for themselves

A perfectionist person doesn’t make everything perfect, but wants everything to be perfect. That seems like a clever play on words, but there is one big difference that is obvious.

If you worry about things not going as expected, if you don’t accept challenges or projects because you are afraid, or if you feel that mediocrity is not allowed, then you should know that you are a perfectionist.

Why do these habits embitter your life?

  • Because you’re not having fun
  • don’t accept mistakes,
  • always have to have everything under control,
  • asking too much of yourself and others
  • and are very extreme, without accepting small deviations (there is only black or white for you).

Perfection is by no means negative,  but you have to know how to deal with every situation and not ask too much of yourself or others. Otherwise you make life difficult for yourself and your fellow human beings. As a result, you may be in a bad mood, sleep poorly, or be constantly afraid of making mistakes. That is the negative side of the need to always be perfect.

4. Cannot forgive

When you don’t forgive others or yourself, you build up resentment, pain, and fear. These emotions turn into bitterness and unhappiness.

You often feel offended and suffer for pointless reasons. You are haunted by your own shadow, your life is losing its shine.

Forgiving is not an easy task because you are hurt or because you think others will hurt you again. However, you need to be able to forgive in order to heal yourself and understand that others can make mistakes too .

If you have really forgiven you, you will find great relief!

5. Hesitate and procrastinate

Procrastination makes life difficult

Constant hesitation also makes your life difficult. You can’t finish your tasks like this and you always run after things. Procrastination, or the procrastination of things, often happens out of fear of  failure.  You hesitate because you doubt your abilities.

However, you are not doing yourself any good, because at some point you will have to fulfill your tasks. So it’s better right now than having a guilty conscience all the time that you still haven’t fulfilled your duty.

The more things you bring together, the harder it will be to get them done. You only create more stress, fear and a bad mood!

Find out why you keep procrastinating and procrastinating. Do you feel overwhelmed, are you afraid of doing something wrong? Tired of it, don’t have the right tools, or hate the job? Mostly it’s just excuses, but you know there are certain things you have to do anyway, so you’d better do it now!

6. Feelings of guilt

Constant feelings of guilt make life difficult for you. Do you think you don’t deserve something? Do you think you will never be able to achieve your goals? Do you think you have no right to happiness or regret an action or statement that you can no longer undo?

Get rid of your  guilt to feel free and happy. Not everything can always work out satisfactorily, sometimes you make mistakes, that’s completely normal. Do not torment yourself with things that you can no longer change!

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