Did You Know That You Can Burn Calories With Yoga?

Practicing yoga can help us burn calories effectively without the risk of injury. Nevertheless, you should always pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet in order to be able to achieve your desired weight.

Did you know you can burn calories while practicing yoga?

Yoga is becoming increasingly popular as a sport for those who want to take care of their health and find a balance between body and mind. However, very few are aware that you can burn calories with yoga.

Stay tuned for the link between yoga and weight loss in this article . Furthermore, we will give you some information and advice with which you can find out for yourself whether yoga is suitable for you personally for losing weight.

Why should I choose yoga to burn calories?

Yoga offers you holistic physical training that respects the limits of your mobility and does not overload your muscles or joints.

It is therefore not surprising that millions of people of all ages have found yoga to be the ideal sport for keeping their body and mind fit.

Apart from the emotional and mental balance that you can achieve through yoga, it also serves to strengthen your muscles and keep your joints healthy.

By practicing yoga you can achieve better flexibility, more physical strength, balance, better concentration, more endurance, energy and relaxation.

You can avoid injuries because yoga exercises focus on flexibility and muscle tension. More precisely, it is more about holding a position for longer than about suddenly making quick movements.

This in turn means that you can burn calories effectively and without risk  while practicing yoga.

While you slowly but steadily lose weight during yoga training, you not only strengthen your physical abilities, but also develop inner strength.

Burn calories and develop inner and outer strength while practicing yoga

Calorie consumption depends on the type of yoga

As with any physical activity, yoga naturally burns calories. However, there are many types of yoga, some of which differ greatly.

Some of them consist more of gentle exercises and meditations, which means that they primarily aim at conscious breathing and relaxation.

Other types of yoga are much more dynamic and require flexibility and stamina, as they combine more difficult postures and movements.

So if you are looking for a sport that uses a lot of energy, then you should choose an active form of yoga.

However, if you are looking for a way to relax to combat stress and anxiety and thus find your way back to your balance, then choose a more inward-facing yoga.

In order to find what is right for you, you should first be aware of what exactly is preventing you from losing weight.

We would like to particularly emphasize the Bikram Yoga , also called “Hot Yoga”. This specific yoga variant is practiced in a heated room at a temperature of around 42 ° C.

The aim behind this is to stimulate perspiration and to accelerate the heart rate, whereby more calories are burned.

In addition, the risk of injury is greatly reduced by warming up the muscles. Nonetheless, you should ask your doctor if this intensive type of yoga is right for you.

Diet is also particularly important

If you want to burn calories, you should not only exercise several times a week, but of course also pay attention to your diet.

Many people today still count the calories they consumed on a daily basis. However, this method of losing weight is not only out of date and ineffective, but it can also cause great frustration.

Nutrition experts are therefore increasingly advocating a healthy and balanced diet in order to lose weight naturally. Rely on your intuition and avoid a yo-yo effect.

Instead of focusing strictly on the calories, we advise you to:

  • Increase your consumption of plant-based foods: salads, steamed vegetables, juices, smoothies, etc.
  • Always choose high-fiber whole grains and avoid white flour.
  • Avoid sugar (especially refined ones) and replace it with healthy sweeteners such as honey, stevia and coconut blossom sugar.
  • Avoid highly processed foods and ready-made products : rather cook yourself with fresh ingredients.
  • Do not eliminate fat entirely, but use high-quality fats instead. These include cold-pressed olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocado, ghee and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna.
High-quality fats should be used to lose weight

Advice to increase your calorie consumption

Last but not least, we have a few tips for you to stimulate your metabolism  and thereby increase your calorie consumption:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Especially on an empty stomach and before meals.
  • Avoid sitting for a long time. Get up at least once an hour.
  • Use hot spices for your food, such as ginger or cayenne pepper.
  • Take a shower with cold water to revitalize your body.
  • Make sure you get enough and restful sleep so that the body can regenerate.
  • Reduce your stress.
  • Don’t skip a meal of the day, especially breakfast. However, make sure to take longer breaks in between to give the body time to digest.
  • Eat more protein. However, vegetable and animal proteins should always be in a balanced ratio.
  • Exercise and train your muscles.
  • You can drink coffee and green tea in moderation.

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