Natural Home Remedy For Cleaning The Kidneys And Against Kidney Stones

To cleanse the kidneys and to support the functions of this important organ, it is advisable to consume plenty of fluids in order to promote the removal of harmful substances that cause them Could complicate tasks.

Natural home remedy for cleaning the kidneys and against kidney stones

The kidneys are responsible for filtering the pollutants from the blood so that they can be discharged from the orangism via the urine.

It is a natural process in healthy kidneys , but it can  sometimes be disturbed by overload or other problems.

If the pollutants accumulate in the organism, this can have a direct impact on health. Serious illnesses such as kidney failure or kidney stones can develop over time.

In serious cases  , the health of other vital organs is also compromised,  such as the heart and liver.

However, there are various natural methods to keep the kidneys functioning properly and to excrete residues more easily.

In today’s post, we recommend  an antioxidant and diuretic drink that  is easy to make at home.

Would you like to try this home remedy yourself?

Citrus drink for cleansing the kidneys and against kidney stones


This natural drink helps cleanse the kidneys and is also effective against kidney stones. It is made from green lemons, limes and oranges. 

As this drink contains many phytonutrients as well as antioxidants, it is recommended to drink it more often during the day to improve the functioning of the kidneys.

The absorption of fluids is essential to promote the cleansing process,  so this is a very healthy alternative.

In addition, this drink contains large amounts of vitamin C, minerals and fiber, but hardly any calories.

The diuretic properties of the individual ingredients also stimulate the elimination of stored fluids and substances that could contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

The basic active ingredients of lemon, lime and orange include citric acid and phosphoric acid. These regulate the acidity of the urine and  play an important role in preventing kidney stones.

In addition, this drink strengthens the immune system and reduces the  risk of infections or urinary tract diseases.

How is this cleansing citrus drink made?


By making this drink at home and consuming it regularly, you can not only protect the health of your kidneys, but  also cleanse your digestive system and liver at the same time. 

It is an excellent alternative for those who do not like pure water very much, because the light citrus taste is very refreshing and pleasant.

It can be used to supply the body with the necessary fluids, support weight loss and also  improve the health of the skin.


  • 5 cups of water (1 1/4 L)
  • 1 green lemon
  • a lime
  • 1 orange
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar or baking soda (10 g)


  • Dissolve vinegar or baking soda in water to disinfect the peel of the (untreated!) Citrus fruits.
  • Then cut the lemon, lime and orange into slices.
  • Put all the fruits in a cure, add the mint leaves and fill up with water.
  • Let the drink steep for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
  • The next morning you drink a glass on an empty stomach and spread the rest over the day.
  • Repeat this treatment every day for a week, then take a two-week break.

Note …


While this drink is an excellent means of supporting kidney health , keep in mind that other lifestyle habits are also very important to get the results you want  !

Eat a healthy diet,  reduce foods with oxalates,  such as coffee, commercial soft drinks, dried fruits and cocoa.

In addition, you should be consuming more vitamin C, not only to dissolve kidney stones, but also to protect your urinary system.

It is an excellent idea to regularly incorporate blueberries into your diet, as this fruit is characterized by its antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Drink 8 glasses of water or natural beverages such as herbal tea and fruit juices or other foods that contain water every day.

If you have kidney disease or take special medication, it is imperative that you  consult your doctor before consuming this citrus drink.

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