Healthy Weight Loss For Diabetics

First and foremost, a healthy diet consists of: one should eat in such a way that, on the one hand, the risk of illness is reduced, and, on the other hand, our body must receive the nutrients necessary for proper functioning.

Healthy weight loss for diabetics

People with diabetes need to be more careful about their diet than others. Therefore, here are some tips and guidelines for healthy weight loss for diabetics. Because this reduces the risk of irregularities in blood sugar levels.

The key to a healthy diet

A healthy diet consists first of all in this: one should eat in such a way that, on the one hand, the risk of disease is reduced, and, on the other hand, our body must receive the nutrients necessary for proper functioning.

Healthy eating means eating a variety of different foods. This can be vegetables or whole grain products, fruit, fat-free dairy products, lean meat, fish etc.

Weight loss for diabetics

There is no such thing as perfect food. Therefore, it is crucial for a healthy diet to include a variety of different foods on the menu. You should also pay attention to the size of the portions. In addition, there is something else important: You should choose from each food group those that offer the highest possible quality of nutrients.

In other words, you should opt for foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber rather than processed foods.

In principle, people with diabetes can eat the same foods as the rest of the family. Everyone benefits from a healthy diet. This means that the whole family can participate in a healthy diet.

Of course, this requires some planning. But it works: You can put your favorite dishes on the menu. Even so, you will still be able to control blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

The weight loss for diabetics can so the whole family come to good.

Weight loss for diabetics

Paying attention to your weight, eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise: these are clearly things that are advisable for diabetes. And of course, you always have to do them according to a doctor’s instructions.

Weight loss for diabetics who are overweight

In the following we show you some tips for a diet. This was specially developed for overweight diabetics.

When losing weight for diabetics who are overweight, a special diet is necessary. Because obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.

As I said before, people with diabetes need to pay special attention to their diet. This is especially true in the case of obesity.

Here we show you different possible combinations for each of the six meals of the day.


  • Milk coffee with low-fat milk
  • Red or green tea
  • Muesli without sugar or chocolate
  • Two slices of wholemeal toast with sugar-free jam

Morning snack

  • A piece of fruit
  • A low-fat yogurt
  • A sugar-free granola bar
  • Two slices of wholemeal toast with sliced ​​turkey or cream cheese

Having lunch

  • Pasta salad with tomatoes, green lettuce leaves, corn, chicken, egg without yolks and vegetables. You shouldn’t add mayonnaise to this. Better to use alternatives like olive oil, yogurt sauce, or soy sauce.
  • Mediterranean salad
  • Tomatoes with oregano and cream cheese
  • Lentils with vegetables
  • Spinach with chickpeas
  • Eggplant or peppers stuffed with ground chicken
  • Dessert made with tea, coffee or coffee with skimmed milk.
Healthy diet for weight loss for diabetics

Snack in the afternoon

  • Low-fat milk with or without coffee
  • Lemon or grapefruit juice
  • Red or green tea
  • Four sugar-free biscuits
  • Homemade pudding or low-fat yogurt
  • Homemade sponge cake with yogurt, grated lemon zest and whole wheat flour


  • Salad with tomatoes, green lettuce leaves, boiled egg without yolks, onions and tuna
  • Grilled, roasted vegetables
  • Salad with cabbage and carrots
  • boiled or pureed vegetables
  • Scrambled eggs with garlic and prawns
  • Grilled sole
  • grilled chicken breast
  • Grilled veal
  • Dessert made on the basis of tea

Before bedtime

  • A low-fat yogurt
  • A glass of low-fat milk

It is best to combine these diabetic daily meal meal ideas with a little light exercise. This can be long walks or about 30 minutes of brisk walking. Dancing can also help you lose weight faster. In addition, the free sugar in the blood is burned better.

If you inject insulin, you should pay particular attention to low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.

Finally, a tip: It is advisable to always have a few candies or sugar sachets with you. This gives you a very quick and convenient source of glucose. You can then use this in the event of signs of hypoglycaemia.

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