Cracked And Chipping Nails – Causes, Treatments And Solutions

Do not use nail polish for more than three consecutive days. Then take a break to allow air to get into your nails before using nail polish again.

Cracked and Chipping Nails - Causes, Treatments, and Solutions

There can be a variety of causes for cracked and chipped nails. These include stress, an unhealthy diet, thyroid disorders or if your hands are in the water for too long.

Therefore, in today’s article we would like to explain the causes in more detail and suggest some solutions and treatments for splintering nails .

Causes of chipping nails

As mentioned earlier, there are several causes of nail splitting. These can be treated and avoided using natural home remedies. However, a doctor should be consulted if there is no improvement.

Nutritional deficiency

With a poor diet, calcium deficiency could be a cause of nail problems. You could try increasing your consumption of milk or dairy products, such as yogurt or cheese, or leafy greens (spinach or Swiss chard).

Additives, e.g. B. Calcium, Vitamin A, B, or D may also be suitable. However, talk to your doctor beforehand. Avoid carbonated drinks, mate, tea, and coffee as they could inhibit calcium absorption.


Flaky fingernails are not particularly attractive


When it comes to dehydration, consume more fruits and fluids (water and juices) and vegetables, such as tomatoes, to avoid aggravation.

Apply a moisturizing cream every day, if possible before going to bed or after prolonged contact of hands with water (washing, rinsing, bathing, etc.).

Nibbling fingernails

In the case of frequent nail biting, a cream should definitely be applied, as the fingernails are in constant contact with the saliva and the various nail layers are removed with the teeth.

nail polish

Using cosmetics too often could damage your nails.

Artificial fingernails, too frequent filing, bad or formol-containing nail polishes and aggressive chemical nail polish removers (acetone also damages the skin) are not particularly healthy for our fingernails.

It’s best to take a break from nail polish and leave your nails without polish for a day or two.

Household chemical cleaners

Another cause is contact with chemical substances such as disinfectants or cleaning agents. Use household or protective gloves to avoid contact as these products could irritate the skin and nails.

Those who work in the garden a lot should take care of their hands

Thyroid problems

A thyroid disorder can also cause nails to crack. In this case, you should ask your doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.


Nail damage can also occur from stress or insomnia. Don’t take work problems home with you, resolve partnership discussions in a positive way, and seek help when you get stuck on your own.

To help you sleep better, there are excellent medicinal herbs that you can take as soothing teas for your body and soul before going to bed.

Splintering nails: tips to prevent them

  • Always use quality nail polishes. Cheap products can contain harmful chemical substances that weaken the nails.
  • Use special nail polishes to help prevent nail disease. There are numerous products on the market that treat flaky nails, among other things.
  • Avoid pulling on the damaged nail or removing the layer, as this can damage the nail matrix or the nail bed.
  • Use a special nail file to slowly and gently remove flakes, making your fingernails smoother. Note, however, that overuse is not recommended as the nail will lose its layers and become too thin.
  • Dip a cotton ball in olive oil and apply it to your nails. It is said to be moisturizing and may protect your nails from further chipping.
    Fingernails also benefit from regular hand care

    How can natural nail strengths be made?

    If you have brittle or splintered nails, many recommend using a nail strengthener to keep them healthy and beautiful. You can find a wide range of brands in stores.

    However, there are also simple home recipes that are said to be just as effective but significantly cheaper and definitely more natural.

    • Nail strengthening cream : For this you need 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of natural honey, 1 pinch of salt and 1 egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients together first. Then apply the cream to your nails. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse the nails with plenty of lukewarm water. You can do this treatment three times a week.
      Nail polish isn't that healthy after all
      • Extra virgin olive oil : soak your fingernails in this oil for a few minutes every night before bed. You can also dampen a cotton ball with the oil and massage it. If you then add some almond oil, you will strengthen your nails additionally (two tablespoons each). Let this mixture sit on your nails and cuticles for 10 minutes.
      • Enriched nail strengthener : if you have already bought a nail strengthener, add a mixture of 1 pressed garlic clove, 5 drops of lemon juice and 5 drops of iodine. Mix the ingredients well and let them steep for 2 days. Then apply this nail tester twice a week.
      • Onion : First cut an onion in half and then cover your nails with it. Then let the onion sit for five minutes. After that, the nails should air dry.

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