5 Juices To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Did you know that parsley can help reduce cholesterol? This herb is also highly recommended for people with increased triglyceride levels and high blood pressure, as it has a vasodilating effect and therefore promotes blood circulation.

5 juices to reduce bad cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat that the body needs to some extent for various functions. Here we introduce you to juices for reducing bad cholesterol.

However, sedentary lifestyles and an unhealthy diet can lead to high cholesterol levels, which in turn can cause serious health problems.

This greatly increases the risk of heart disease or a stroke, as well as other ailments.

Cholesterol is present in almost all areas of the body, but especially in the nervous system, skin, muscles, liver, intestines and heart. There are two different types: bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL). 

Bad cholesterol has its origin in high-fat, sweet dishes, fried foods, ready meals, sausage products, etc. Good HDL is responsible for absorbing bad cholesterol in the blood and transporting it to the liver in order to eliminate it.

This is exactly why it is called good, as it helps to remove excess LDL cholesterol from the body.

If your doctor has determined that your cholesterol is high, it is time to consider changing your  diet.

The following homemade juices for reduction can help regulate the cholesterol level and thus prevent possible sequelae.

Juices to reduce bad cholesterol

Apple, parsley and spinach smoothie

This smoothie works excellently when the cholesterol levels are too high, because it eliminates fats quickly and easily.


  • 4 apples
  • 1 cup raw spinach leaves (30 g)
  • 1 handful of parsley


Wash all ingredients well and then process with a stand mixer or blender. Take a glass of this drink every day.

Cabbage and Garlic Smoothie

Both cabbage and garlic are known for their numerous health benefits. 

Among other things, they also help to cleanse the body and eliminate excess fats and cholesterol, which could have a negative impact on health.


  • 1/2 head of cabbage (medium)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of water (120 ml)


Push the garlic well and then process it together with the washed and cut cabbage and the water in a blender.

Mix everything well and then drink a cup of it daily to lower the cholesterol level. However, you shouldn’t take this smoothie for long periods of time as the cabbage could weaken the thyroid.

Strawberry and citrus smoothie

Strawberry shake

This delicious smoothie is also a great help against high cholesterol levels. It also strengthens the immune system and helps you lose weight.


  • 1 cup of strawberries (100 g)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 kiwi


Press the oranges, prepare the strawberries and wash and then peel the kiwi. Then put all the ingredients in the stand mixer or blender and process. Then drink a glass of this smoothie every day for a period of two weeks.

Carrot, parsley and spinach juice

carrot juice

Green juices are very beneficial to health and also help regulate cholesterol levels. This drink will help you eliminate bad cholesterol and fats and improve your lifestyle.


  • 4 carrots
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 2 spinach leaves


Process all ingredients into juice in a juicer and then drink one glass in the morning on an empty stomach and another glass with food for 15 days.

Lemon-parsley-baking soda drink

This drink is excellent against bad cholesterol  and at the same time ensures good general health.


  • 2 liters of filtered water
  • 3 sprigs of parsley
  • 3 lemons (organic quality)
  • Baking soda


  • Wash the lemon peel well with baking soda and then disinfect it. Then boil water and let it cool down.
  • In the meantime, cut the lemons into thin slices, cut the parsley and then add both to the water.
  • Cover and then refrigerate for a day. Then mix all the ingredients and drink half a glass (120 ml) every day.

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